
Fast parsing code for PicoHarp TCSPC device by PicoQuant
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Actualizado 8 may 2023


Fast parsing code for PicoHarp TCSPC device by PicoQuant

ReadOutput_Picoharp reads and parses a PTU file generated by Picoharp TCSPC device (PicoQuant) and converts into a matlab structure called output.

Input: PTU file (.out extension)
Output: Matlab structure called output that contains photon records and special events (markers)

ReadOutput_Picoharp is based on similar functions that parses files generated by Hydraharp TCSPC device by PicoQuant:

  1. Read_PTU.m written by PicoQuant (https://github.com/PicoQuant)
  2. Read_PTU_V1.m written by Omri Bar-Elli and Ron Tenne (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/61789-read_ptu_v1-filepath) Read_PTU_V1.m parses bin files generated by Hydraharp The second function is ~100x faster than the first. I added a new feature, see parseOutData(output), which parses the data in a readable way and also performs some sanity checks along the way.
  3. ReadOutput_Hydraharp.m that is a similar script for Hydraharp devices written by my colleague, Dr. Ji Hyun Nam

Citar como

Talha Sultan (2024). Picoharp (https://github.com/tmsultan/Picoharp/releases/tag/1.0.0), GitHub. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2023a
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux

Inspirado por: Read_PTU_V1(filepath)

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