SIR model

The basic SIR model
43 descargas
Actualizado 19 jun 2023

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This is the basic SIR model for COVID 19 where
  • Susceptible (S): This group comprises individuals who are susceptible to contracting the infectious disease. They have not been infected before and can become infected if they come into contact with infectious individuals.
  • Infectious (I): This group contains individuals who are currently infected and can transmit the disease the susceptible individuals.
  • Recovered (R): This group contains individuals who have recovered from the infection and may developed immunity to the disease, providing them the protection from reinfection
  • β: Infection rate
  • γ: Recovery Rate
  • N: Total population = S + I + R

Citar como

Quang Duc Huy (2024). SIR model (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

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Se creó con R2023a
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