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Actualizado 26 sep 2024

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This function plots a prism. Example file is provided.
function Plot_Prism(v1,v2,x,y,theta)
v1: (3*1) vector of the origin point of the first polygonal face .
v2: (3*1) vector of the origin point of the second polygonal face.
x: (1*N) x-coordinates of the polygonal faces.
y: (1*N) y-coordinates of the polygonal faces.
theta: angle of rotation around the prism major axis.
Plots the prism.

Citar como

Ayad Al-Rumaithi (2025). Plot Prism (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/136269-plot-prism), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2017b
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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Added website.


changed rotation matrix from -z to z direction
