GNSS almanac converter Trimble/Yuma

The program provides converting the GNSS almanac from Trimble format into Yuma.
24 descargas
Actualizado 5 sep 2024

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GNSS almanac converter from Trimble into Yuma format provides converting the original GNSS almanac from Trimble ftp server into Yuma format.
The almanac available for downloading on
You can get it by adding path in the adress line of Windows Explorer (File Explorer) as it shown below:
Almanac.alm contains information for following GNSS constellations:
The downloaded almanac in Trimble format need be placed into folder In_Dat with name ‘Almanac.alm’.
The converter ReadAlmTrFed.m creates in the folder Out_Dat one common GNSS almanac in Yuma format.
The converter ReadAlmTrGGGGBX.m creates in the folder Out_Dat almanacs for each constellation.

Citar como

Valeriy Konin, Olexiy Pogurelskiy (2024). GNSS almanac converter (<...>), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Retrieved April 17, 2024.

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2024a
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux

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Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

The converter programme with necessary functions and input and output data location folders is in a zip archive.


new description


renewed live version


example tested


added In_Dat and Out_Dat folders


Live editor version
