
Versión 1.0.3 (3,43 KB) por Yu Xia
Designed to fine-tune the appearance of figures and axes, making them suitable for high-quality paper publications.
11 Descargas
Actualizado 14 oct 2024

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This tool simplifies the processs of setting figure sizes, font sizes, and margins, ensuring that your plots adhere to publication standards and look professional.

Citar como

Yu Xia (2025). specialPlot (https://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/173085-specialplot), MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2024b
Compatible con cualquier versión
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Windows macOS Linux
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Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

addresses and resolves issues related to the handling of the marginAxes variable


solve invalid action to colorbar.
