Compute mesh normals

Versión (86,5 KB) por Adam A
Calculate the normal vectors for each facet of a triangular mesh.
1,6K Descargas
Actualizado 1 dic 2010

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Compute mesh normals

Adam H. Aitkenhead
The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
1st December 2010

Calculate the normal vectors for each facet of a triangular mesh. The ordering of the vertices (clockwise/anticlockwise) is also checked for all facets if this is requested as one of the outputs.


[coordNORMALS] = COMPUTE_mesh_normals(meshdataIN);
[coordNORMALS,meshdataOUT] = COMPUTE_mesh_normals(meshdataIN);


meshdataIN - structure
Structure containing the faces and vertices of the mesh, in the same format as that produced by the isosurface command.


meshdataIN - Nx3x3 array
The vertex coordinates for each facet, with:
- 1 row for each facet
- 3 columns for the x,y,z coordinates
- 3 pages for the three vertices


coordNORMALS - Nx3 array
The normal vectors for each facet, with:
- 1 row for each facet
- 3 columns for the x,y,z components

meshdataOUT - (optional)
The mesh data with the ordering of the vertices (clockwise/anticlockwise) checked. Uses the same format as <meshdataIN>.


To run an example of the code:

>> EXAMPLE_mesh_normals


- Computing <meshdataOUT> to check the ordering of the vertices in each facet may be slow for large meshes.
- Also, it may not be possible to compute <meshdataOUT> for non-manifold meshes.

Citar como

Adam A (2025). Compute mesh normals (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2010a
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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