stereoview - Ver 7.0

Stereoview plots two stereoscopical images of any 3D plot.
5,2K descargas
Actualizado 4 abr 2010

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STEREOVIEW Stereoscopic plotting function

stereoview grabs the current 3D figure and plots it in two
stereoscopical images.

Once launched, you can:
1) Choose the interocular distance coefficient (idc)
that is defined as the ratio between the distance from the Camera
Target and the interocular distance; a value of 30 works fine.

2) Choose the viewing mode: 'parallel' or 'crossed'.

3) Rotate the view. In the Free Rotation mode, use:
a, s, d, w to rotate,
x to stop.

4) Start a continuous rotation of the view; x to stop.

5) Print the two stereoscopical views in separate images. You
may change the options for the saved images directly in the .m file.

6) choose 'perspective' or 'orthographic' view.

Version 4.0 NEWS
- stop of the continuous rotation with "x"
- can print the two images

Version 5.0 NEWS
- can change the distance between the two
views to allow easier visualization
- can change zoom
- vertical axis bending bug fixed

Version 6.0 NEWS
- allows chosing perspective or orthographic
- unused commands deleted

Version 7.0 NEWS
- bug about viewing along z fixed
- bug about horizontal positioning of plots fixed
- bug about projection mode fixed
- figure color preserved
- renderer: zbuffer
- figure(2) bug fixed (thanks to Andrew Murray)

2010 Iari-Gabriel Marino

Citar como

Iari-Gabriel Marino (2024). stereoview - Ver 7.0 (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R12
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux

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Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

Several bug fixed and some new features

Version 5.0 NEWS
- can change the distance between the two views to allow easier visualization
- can change zoom
- vertical axis bending bug fixed