
ERRORBAR_GROUPS produces customizable grouped bar plots with overlaid error bars.
7,8K Descargas
Actualizado 30 sep 2017

At its most basic, this function produces bar plots similar to those obtained using MATLAB's BAR(Y,'grouped') function call, and then overlays error bars onto the corresponding bars.
ERRORBAR_GROUPS allows customizing the plot in several ways. For instance, both the width of the bars themselves and that of the error bars can be adjusted. The function allows asymmetric values for the lower and upper bounds of the error bars. The colors of the bars and error bars can also be customized. ERRORBAR_GROUPS allows transmitting optional input property-value pairs to both the BAR and ERRORBAR functions, making it quite versatile.

Citar como

Pierre Mégevand (2024). pierremegevand/errorbar_groups (https://github.com/pierremegevand/errorbar_groups), GitHub. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2009b
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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Versión Publicado Notas de la versión

Removed dependency on DISTINGUISHABLE_COLORS.

Thanks to Ariel Tankus for fixing an issue with MATLAB version R2014b (and presumably beyond) where the errorbar width could no longer be customized. This is apparently due to a change in the way MATLAB handles error bars in the graphics.

Corrected an issue where no error bar was plotted in the case that one side (upper or lower) was set to 0. See also comments.

Simplified the code defining default values and dealing with optional input arguments. Added option to skip plotting the error bars altogether.

With help from David Groppe, added optional handles inputs for plotting into existing figure or axes.

(this time with the correct files in the archive...)

Added a line at the end to adjust the limits of the X axis to the plot.

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