Simple Code for Running CSI Sap 2000 from Matlab in Batch mode for finding Natural Frequency

This code help you to adjust material property from matlab to match with actual Natural frequency
659 Descargas
Actualizado 1 dic 2015

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%# DATE : 03.09.2013(Last modified: 01:12:2015) #%
%# ABSTRACT : This Code used to Run SAP2000 from Matlab to find the #%
%# Natural frequency. This code may help you to adjest the #%
%# material properties to match the Natural frequency #%
%# of model with the actual value of Natural frequency. %#
%# Also you can use optimisation tool with this code for #%
%# finding optimum Design properties. #%
%# Modifications may be required #%
%# * Modify the version number of SAP2000 in line 31 #%
%# * This code required to modify for file path in line 40 #%
%# * In line 57 & 58 change the material name according to your model #%
%# * Material properties you can #%
clear; clc; close all
% Material Properties
Eco = 20e6; % Modulus of Elasticity of Concrete
Est = 21e7; % Modulus of Elasticity of Steel
nu_c = 0.2; % Poisson's Ratio of Concrete
nu_s = 0.3; % Poisson's Ratio of Steel
% Pass data to Sap2000 as one-dimensional arrays
feature('COM_SafeArraySingleDim', 1);
% Pass non-scalar arrays to Sap2000 API by reference
feature('COM_PassSafeArrayByRef', 1);
% Create Sap2000 object
SapObject = actxserver('sap2000v15.SapObject'); % Version of Sap2000
% Start Sap2000 application
% Hide Application, Hide <=> Unhide
% Create SapModel object
Sap = SapObject.SapModel;
% Open existing file
FilePath = 'D:\Frame'; % Location of Sap2000 Model
% Edit Model
% ----------
% Model lock =>(1)or unlock =>(0)

% Switch to units
% lb_in_F = 01 lb_ft_F = 02 kip_in_F = 03 kip_ft_F = 04
% kN_mm_C = 05 kN_m_C = 06 kgf_mm_C = 07 kgf_m_C = 08
% N_mm_C = 09 N_m_C = 10 Ton_mm_C = 11 Ton_m_C = 12
% kN_cm_C = 13 kgf_cm_C = 14 N_cm_C = 15 Ton_cm_C = 16
Unit = 06;

% Assign isotropic mechanical properties
Sap.PropMaterial.SetMPIsotropic('Concrete', Eco, nu_c, 1.170E-05);
Sap.PropMaterial.SetMPIsotropic('Steel', Est, nu_s, 1.170E-05);

% Run model (this will create the analysis model)
% Set run case model
% Sap.Analyze.SetRunCaseFlag('MODAL', 1);
% Results
% -------
% Count number of joints & DOF
countP = Sap.PointElm.Count;
DOF = countP*3-12;

% Frequency
AA = fopen([FilePath,'.LOG'],'r');
Fr1 = fread(AA);
s = char(Fr1');
word1Location = strfind(s, 'NUMBER OF EIGEN MODES FOUND');
word2Location = strfind(s, 'NUMBER OF ITERATIONS PERFORMED');
TextLine = s(word1Location:word2Location-1);
Number_Modes = str2double(TextLine(54:end));
disp('NUMBER OF EIGEN MODES');disp(Number_Modes)
Frq = zeros(Number_Modes,1);
for ii = 1:Number_Modes
if ii == Number_Modes
word1Location = strfind(s, ['Found mode ' num2str(ii)]);
word2Location = strfind(s, 'NUMBER OF EIGEN MODES FOUND');
elseif ii < 9
word1Location = strfind(s, ['Found mode ' num2str(ii)]);
word2Location = strfind(s, ['Found mode ' num2str(ii+1)]);
elseif ii == 9
word1Location = strfind(s, ['Found mode ' num2str(ii)]);
word2Location = strfind(s, ['Found mode ' num2str(ii+1)]);
elseif (ii>9) && (ii~=Number_Modes)
word1Location = strfind(s, ['Found mode ' num2str(ii)]);
word2Location = strfind(s, ['Found mode ' num2str(ii+1)]);
Mode = s(word1Location:word2Location-1);
word1Location = strfind(Mode, 'f=');
word2Location = strfind(Mode, ', T= ');
Fre = Mode(word1Location:word2Location-1);
Freq = str2double(Fre(3:14));
Frq(ii,:) = Freq;
disp('FREQUENCY IN Hz');disp(Frq)
% save model
% close Sap2000
SapModel = 0;
SapObject = 0;

Citar como

Sajeer Modavan (2024). Simple Code for Running CSI Sap 2000 from Matlab in Batch mode for finding Natural Frequency (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2007b
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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