Mathematical modelling of an outbreak of zombie infection

Versión 2.3 (116 KB) por E. Cheynet
How long will humanity survive to zombiism ?
948 Descargas
Actualizado 28 abr 2020

Nota del editor: This file was selected as MATLAB Central Pick of the Week


Matlab code for the simulation of a zombie outbreak

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In 2009, Munz et al. [1] have written a pedagogical paper that helps to understand how to solve systems of coupled differential equations. it dealt with the simulation of zombie infection among the human population. The model is here implemented in Matlab using a slightly different approach than by [1].


The present repository is made of:

  • one example file
  • one zombies.m function that implements (partly) the model proposed by Munz et al.
  • one erad.m function that is based on the "impulsive eradication" model.


[1] Munz, Philip, et al. "When zombies attack!: mathematical modelling of an outbreak of zombie infection." Infectious Disease Modelling Research Progress 4 (2009): 133-150

Citar como

E. Cheynet (2025). Mathematical modelling of an outbreak of zombie infection (, GitHub. Recuperado .

Cheynet, E. Mathematical Modelling of an Outbreak of Zombie Infection. Zenodo, 2020, doi:10.5281/ZENODO.3774158.

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