
Versión (5,99 MB) por Yang Yang
Simple Cavity Lid-driven flow D2Q9 LBM Solver
380 Descargas
Actualizado 12 abr 2018

## :floppy_disk:Cavity Lid-driven flow in Lattice Boltzmann Method, MATLAB implementation.
> This repository is part of my undergraduate B.Eng. Thesis.
> I had written several codes for my B.Eng. Thesis, Including MATLAB codes for Lid-driven Flow and parallel Fortran codes to compute co-laminar flow with mass transfer.
> For the MATLAB codes, I designed three version of codes, one was implemented by for-loop while vectorization implemented others. My purpose is to show
> the running speed and the better way for MATLAB programming.
# MATLAB Program Instruction
## 1. LidDrivedFlowMain.m (the Main function, run this file and adjust computing parameters through this M-file)
## 2. initialfield.m (Subroutine to initial computing area)
## 3. f_eq.m (Subroutine to compute equilibrium​ distribution)
## 4. plotfunction.m (Plot computing result in the run-time)
## 5. RelativeErro.m (Computing Residuals)
## 6. FieldOutputs.m (Output the computing result in the runtime in the Tecplot format)

Citar como

Yang Yang (2025). yangyang14641/CavityFlowInLBMInMATLAB (https://github.com/yangyang14641/CavityFlowInLBMInMATLAB), GitHub. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2017b
Compatible con cualquier versión
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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