Gauge for GUIDE

Versión 1.0.0 (4,24 KB) por Mehmed Saad
Gauge control for GUIDE with mouse interaction
132 descargas
Actualizado 10 jun 2020

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Gauge is available for UIfigure and Simulink but is not available for a figure (maybe i am wrong). A lot of people still works on GUIDE thus the solution.

User can set following things in Gauge
1. Gauge Fill Color
2. Gauge Background Color
3. Needle Color
4. units of gauge (interpreter is tex)
5. Label of Gauge
6. Gauge Limits (min max)

There are three files
1. The_Gauge (Function which Draws Gauge)
2. Gauge_callback (button press callback)
3. Example_Code_Guage_Use_main (Example code on how to use The_Gauge)

When you call the function, it will ask you to draw where you want to draw the Gauge.
Gauge will always be with aspect ratio of 1:2. i.e. width will be twice the height

Citar como

Mehmed Saad (2024). Gauge for GUIDE (, MATLAB Central File Exchange. Recuperado .

Compatibilidad con la versión de MATLAB
Se creó con R2019a
Compatible con cualquier versión desde R2019a hasta R2020a
Compatibilidad con las plataformas
Windows macOS Linux
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