Vibration of a Cantilever beam
Hi Bhanu, To apply the force only on the last node of the beam, like in a cantilever beam scenario, you need to adjust the way ...

6 meses hace | 0

how can I plot a P-v and T-S diagrams in simulink
Hi Tomer, There are no existing blocks to fetch Pv and Ts diagrams directly, however, you can make use of the MATLAB Function ...

6 meses hace | 1

how to use reshape when plotting s-parameters?
Hi Em, The error indicates a mismatch in the number of elements due to the incompatibility of dimensions while reshaping. Alth...

7 meses hace | 0

Gridlines do not show in xregion/yregion when exporting to pdf
Hi, From what I understand, you are trying to export your plot having a 1-D filled region to a PDF with vector graphics, howev...

7 meses hace | 0

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Pareto front assistance GAmultiobjective
Hi Samir, From what I understand, you are trying to figure out a third objective function and you also want to know how you ca...

8 meses hace | 0

uieditfield defined in classdef won't update Value
Hi Alex, I understand that on clicking the button and selecting the directory, you intend to reflect the path to selected direc...

8 meses hace | 0

Why do I receive Error 5001 - Unable to access services required to run MATLAB?
Hi, You can refer to the following MATLAB answer by the MathWorks Support Team to resolve this issue:

8 meses hace | 0

MATLAB code to solve coupled differential equation
Hi Mustafa, I understand that you are trying to solve a set of coupled differential equations using RK fourth order. You can r...

8 meses hace | 0

Why are my pulldown menus in the editor and live editor in Chinese and how do i change that on a Mac?
Hi Robert, You can refer to the following MATLAB answer that addresses this issue:

8 meses hace | 1

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Open Source alternative to surrogateopt
Hi Nathan, From what I understand, you are using "Surrogate Optimization" for solving your objective function, but the problem...

8 meses hace | 1

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Prediction of the expected improvement after getting the Bayesopt result output.
Hi, From what I understand, you want to obtain the acquisition function values while implementing "bayesopt". Refer to the fol...

8 meses hace | 0

how do i change parameters for a timespan t when the total time span for ODE simulation is T?
Hi Hetavi, From what I understand you want to solve a time-dependent ODE where you need to alter the rate constants based on th...

8 meses hace | 1

Error using Harmonic Analysis Function
Hi Hassan, The following MATLAB answer might be of help:

8 meses hace | 0

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lenght of delay blocks changed
Hi Maarten, The "Delay" block determines delay time based on the value of the "Delay length" parameter. However, the output in ...

8 meses hace | 0

Bayesopt library extracts data which violate the given deterministic constraints.
Hi, Bayesian optimization in MATLAB using the “bayesopt” function respects the deterministic constraints if they are correctly...

8 meses hace | 0

Array indices must be positive integers or logical values. error for simple calculation, nothing array related
Hi William, The error is because while you are trying to divide the "deltaH" expression by "g", it is instead getting treated ...

8 meses hace | 1

ROS2 Galactic Linux to Matlab
Hi Maximilian, You can refer to the following MATLAB answer by the MathWorks Support Team that addresses this issue - https:/...

8 meses hace | 0

I need a name for this optimization code. Also who can help me plot a pareto front with this code or at specify which objective function i can use for the pareto.
Hi Chukwuemeka, As per my understanding, you want to find appropriate objective functions which you can optimize based on prov...

8 meses hace | 0

SCARA robot kinematic inversion
Hi Lorenzo, You have used a "Jacobian_Scara" function in your code which I cannot find in the attached files. However, you can...

8 meses hace | 0

在打包 MATLAB App 时,appdesigner设计中包含神经网络相关程序,但是打包出来却没有用,是为什么
Hi Zhi, You can refer to the following MATLAB answers for more information on how to package your Neural Network app - http...

8 meses hace | 0

Hi Sudeep, I understand that you want to perform thermal analysis of battery pack in MATLAB. You can refer to the following...

9 meses hace | 0

Does libstruct initialize all structure fields to zero?
Hi, In MATLAB, when you create a structure that corresponds to a C struct using "libstruct", MATLAB initializes the numeric fie...

10 meses hace | 1

Hello, I need to run the command "rosgenmsg"
Hi Mario, I understand that you are encountering an error while running the “rosgenmsg” function. To effectively diagnose a...

10 meses hace | 1

How to upgrade code for simulating a crank-shaper mechanism from a crank slider mechanism. Failing to add the crank/input disk.
Hi Sydney, I understand that you want to add an additional link to your crank-rocker mechanism to extend it to a crank-shaper ...

10 meses hace | 0

Quali blocchi posso utilizzare per misurare la vibrazione nei cuscinetti nel dc motor?
Hi Benedetta, Dato che non sono madrelingua italiana, proverò a rispondere a questa domanda in inglese. Grazie per la comprens...

10 meses hace | 1

Generate a timer from 0 to the required period and when it reaches the period the timer must reset and start again
Hi, I understand that you're trying to implement a periodic timer in Simulink, which resets after reaching a specified time an...

10 meses hace | 0

Robotics Toolbox determine inverse kinematics relationships for all end effector positions
Hi Jamie, I understand that you would like to obtain the values of joint angles from the inverseKinematics (IK) object that yo...

11 meses hace | 1

Trouble plotting denavit hartenberg transformation matrix
Hi Kasper, I understand that you want to construct an RRPR (Revolute-Revolute-Prismatic-Revolute) robot with specified Denavit...

11 meses hace | 0

Using socFunctionAnalyzer with methods defined in a class
Hi, I understand that you would like to compute the number of addition and multiplication operations executed by a method with...

11 meses hace | 2

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How to run a python file .py in matlab
Hi, I understand that you are encountering an error while calling your python anaconda script from MATLAB environment. To ca...

11 meses hace | 0

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