Converting MATLAB code to Arduino code
The easiest way I find is creating a Simulink model and then deploying it on the hardware. These links should get you started: ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

How to make arduino receive data sent from MATLAB?
I would consider putting your if statments in the void loop and you can simplify your connection and fprintf calls. Have a look ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Deploy Transferlearning network on Raspberry pi3+
Check out the example here:

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Serial Communication with Arduino
Your code should look something like this. Not the fprintf on the MATLAB side and the if (Serial.avilable() > 0 ) on the Arduino...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Matlab Serial using wrong frequency?
MATLAB is not great for communicating with Ardiuno real time, if I remember 50 Hz is pushing the bounderies. A couple things you...

más de 5 años hace | 0

How to synchronize Arduino Due and Arduino Uno without data acquisition delay in Matlab??
Could you just add your analog sensors to the due or the I2C device to the Uno so that all information is sent as one package? ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Transforming a multidimensional array to a two dimensional array?
Check out reshape()

más de 5 años hace | 2

Check if element in array are square of each other
You can get rid of one of the for loops: function y = isItSquared(x) y = false; xSquare = x.^2; for ii = 1...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Can anyone please explain the working of this code ?
Let us know if you need further clarification at any of the steps. [R1r, R1c] = find(Ydash>Cb); % Find the indices where Ydash...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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No error but I am getting Complex double!
You should not use i or j as the names of loop variables as these are both names for the inbuilt imaginary unit. Try changing th...

más de 5 años hace | 0

fprintf confusion, multiple arrays to print
Not the most effcient code but this should help your understanding. Also refer to this link for some of the different formating ...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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Mean value of each cell of 2D grid
Look at Jan's answer here. He provides MATLAB code and a refernce to the File Exchange. For your convienance: X = rand(20, 30)...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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How to plot multiple y axes using function that is compatible with R2018b?
Check out the file exchange. For example this works:

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Copying multiple files from anywhere to current folder
When I run your code I get the following error: Error using copyfile Cannot copy or move a file or directory onto itself. ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

Reading Multiple dicom Images in Loop
Use the dicomread() function and imageDatastore(). Both links have some good examples to get you started. If you have any furthe...

más de 5 años hace | 0

ellip is missing from Matlab
If reffering to this function you need to install the signal processing toolbox.

más de 5 años hace | 0

wha is meant by an expert PID controller
The first link that pops up when Googling expert PID control is attachted. MATLAB code is also provided at the end of the docume...

más de 5 años hace | 0

get property of selected line and hide name of a line
Look at the guide here. There is documentation for copying and pasting with/without names, hiding block properties, etc... I wou...

más de 5 años hace | 0

[~,i]=max(y); what does it mean in matlab
Your answer can be found here, I copied and pasted it below for your convience: The ~ represents an output that is discarded....

más de 5 años hace | 1

Display the same image in two figures
You must have a figure or some variables saved which is affecting your output. Add the two lines at the start of your code to se...

más de 5 años hace | 0

how can i have only two colorful diagonal ?
Your question is not very clear but I would recomenned to look at this link:

más de 5 años hace | 1

How to save a plot with the name of the file
Use the strcat function. For example... x = [2 4 7 2 4 5 2 5 1 4]; bar(x); saveas(gcf,strcat('file',num2str(ii),'_Fo.jpg')) ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

How to read only 1 value in row 2, column 1 ?
Try one of these three methods:

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Summation with FOR loop question
Please take the time to fully understand what is going on but this should get you started. f = 0; % Set the initial conditions...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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How to plot index number of a data in the graph?
The following should get you going in the right direction. If you need more help please post your actual data set. x = [1 2 3]...

más de 5 años hace | 1

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matlab function generator output
You can define some of the variables in the function to reduce the inputs but this should get you started. I would also double ...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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retrieve particular word from document image
Use the OCR function. post an example image and your code if you need more help.

más de 5 años hace | 1

How to Connect Blocks in simscape electronics that are black and blue
Look at the guide here. Be aware not all Simulink blocks can be directly connected to Simscape networks.

más de 5 años hace | 0

Particular Point detection in an image
Assuming all your images are approximetly the same do the following: I = imread('image.png'); J = im2bw(I); K = bwpropfilt(J,...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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Transfer function and lsim
lsim has the option for both contionous and discrete. When defining your input time vector decrease the time step to mimick a "c...

más de 5 años hace | 0

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