
Find all elements less than 0 or greater than 10 and replace them with NaN
Given an input vector x, find all elements of x less than 0 or greater than 10 and replace them with NaN. Example: Input ...

más de 12 años hace


Determine if input is odd
Given the input n, return true if n is odd or false if n is even.

más de 12 años hace


Make the vector [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10]
In MATLAB, you create a vector by enclosing the elements in square brackets like so: x = [1 2 3 4] Commas are optional, s...

más de 12 años hace


How to find the position of an element in a vector without using the find function
Write a function posX=findPosition(x,y) where x is a vector and y is the number that you are searching for. Examples: fin...

más de 12 años hace

image toolbox help
type doc images in the command window.

casi 13 años hace | 0

plotting more data from large data
Hi doc gscatter hope this helps. Regards, W.

casi 13 años hace | 0

What does +(A>0) do?
I often do this to convert a logical matrix to double. However, I just tried and realized that this is slower than A = double(A>...

casi 13 años hace | 1

error using imsubtract
Hi Megah, apparently both variables don't have the same class. Try image3 = imsubtract(im2double(image1),im2double(BWfinal)...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

Calculate the indirect distance between two points
Bahare, you might find this contribution interesting: <

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

Ordered connected components
Hi Dustin, I don't have MATLAB at hand right now, so I cannot try, but I think bwboundaries should solve your problem. [...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

Graph analysis question
I just tried your example. While results of a kmeans clustering don't look too promising, the function clusterdata works quite w...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

Overlay digital elevation model on hillshade
Hi Ajay, you might want to check TopoToolbox, which includes such a function. <> ...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 0

Count black and white pixels on a image
How about using *blockproc* to get the number of white pixels (in case you have the image processing toolbox)? A = full(spran...

alrededor de 13 años hace | 1


Keeping k largest values in each column of a sparse matrix
Hi everyone, I am trying to implement an algorithm that involves a pruning of a large sparse matrix. The pruning scheme shoul...

más de 13 años hace | 1 respuesta | 0



data correction
Hi, you can identify the NaNs using the function isnan. I = isnan(dem); % where dem is the digital elevation model The inpa...

más de 13 años hace | 0

Problem on fuzzy inference calculations ..
Hi, the error message says all: The first input must be a defined DOUBLE matrix Is the variable input in double format? ...

más de 13 años hace | 1

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finding neighbor of a position
Hi, you might find this function useful. <> ...

más de 13 años hace | 1

Connect bwlabeled components
I'd start with using the function bwlabeln to label the connected components in the 3d. This, however, requires them to never ov...

más de 13 años hace | 0

straighten curved Image
This is not trivial and I think you should show what you have done so far. If you haven't really started yet, you may want to lo...

más de 13 años hace | 0

correlation coefficient
Hi, doc corrcoef Best regards, W.

más de 13 años hace | 1

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how to draw a grid in MATLAB???
Hi, take a look at Steve's blog, where he describes how to generate a pixel grid. Perhaps, this is what you want. <http://...

más de 13 años hace | 1

To my knowlegde there is no comprehensive geostatistical software written in Matlab. I would always use packages such gstat or g...

más de 13 años hace | 2

How to plot a 2D vector-field and exclude zero-vectors (dots) in the graph?
How about: I = ~(T(:,3)==0 & T(:,4)==0); quiver(T(I,1),T(I,2),T(I,3),T(I,4)); cheers, Wolfgang

más de 13 años hace | 2

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Is there a way to prevent or circumvent the formation of long edges in a Deluanay Triangulation?
Hi AJP, without knowing what exactly yoou want to do, I like to link to a tool that was extremely helful to me. <http://w...

más de 13 años hace | 0

TSP using GA
If this is so urgent for you, did you anything to find available code? Apparently not. Searching google with "tsp matlab ga" dir...

más de 13 años hace | 0

Edge direction
Hi, to extract edges of any direction, you just need to choose the right structuring element for a morphological opening. E....

más de 13 años hace | 3

| aceptada

How to make a 2-d binary shape a little more round?
You could also use a median filter to remove small objects and irregular boundaries. In a BW image, the median image would act l...

más de 13 años hace | 0

Locating the end points of a bridge-like structure in an image
Hi G, you might identify these two points by calculating a skeletonization of your BW-image. SK = bwmorph(BW,'skel',inf...

más de 13 años hace | 0

simulating traffice regulations with cellular automaton
Hi Sandeep, as a first step, take a look at steve's image processing blog. There is an example of how to implement one of the...

más de 13 años hace | 0

Image Segmentation built into MATLAB?!
Hi Philip, look at the function watershed. In addition, there is a very good example using morphological reconstruction. do...

más de 13 años hace | 0

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