specifies options using one or more sounds
= classifySound(audioIn
pair arguments.
Example: sounds = classifySound(audioIn,fs,'SpecificityLevel','low')
classifies sounds using low specificity.
also returns time stamps associated with each detected sound.sounds
] = classifySound(___)
also returns a table containing result details.sounds
] = classifySound(___)
with no output arguments creates a
word cloud of the identified sounds in the audio signal.
This function requires both Audio Toolbox™ and Deep Learning Toolbox™.
Download classifySound
Download and unzip the Audio Toolbox™ support for YAMNet.
If the Audio Toolbox support for YAMNet is not installed, then the first call to the function provides a link to the download location. To download the model, click the link. Unzip the file to a location on the MATLAB path.
Alternatively, execute the following commands to download and unzip the YAMNet model to your temporary directory.
downloadFolder = fullfile(tempdir,'YAMNetDownload'); loc = websave(downloadFolder,''); YAMNetLocation = tempdir; unzip(loc,YAMNetLocation) addpath(fullfile(YAMNetLocation,'yamnet'))
Identify Colored Noise
Generate 1 second of pink noise assuming a 16 kHz sample rate.
fs = 16e3; x = pinknoise(fs);
Call classifySound
with the pink noise signal and the sample rate.
identifiedSound = classifySound(x,fs)
identifiedSound = "Pink noise"
Identify and Locate Sounds in Time
Read in an audio signal. Call classifySound
to return the detected sounds and corresponding time stamps.
[audioIn,fs] = audioread('multipleSounds-16-16-mono-18secs.wav');
[sounds,timeStamps] = classifySound(audioIn,fs);
Plot the audio signal and label the detected sound regions.
t = (0:numel(audioIn)-1)/fs; plot(t,audioIn) xlabel('Time (s)') axis([t(1),t(end),-1,1]) textHeight = 1.1; for idx = 1:numel(sounds) patch([timeStamps(idx,1),timeStamps(idx,1),timeStamps(idx,2),timeStamps(idx,2)], ... [-1,1,1,-1], ... [0.3010 0.7450 0.9330], ... 'FaceAlpha',0.2); text(timeStamps(idx,1),textHeight+0.05*(-1)^idx,sounds(idx)) end
Select a region and listen only to the selected region.
sampleStamps = floor(timeStamps*fs)+1; soundEvent =3; isolatedSoundEvent = audioIn(sampleStamps(soundEvent,1):sampleStamps(soundEvent,2)); sound(isolatedSoundEvent,fs); display('Detected Sound = ' + sounds(soundEvent))
"Detected Sound = Snoring"
Identify Only Specific Sounds
Read in an audio signal containing multiple different sound events.
[audioIn,fs] = audioread('multipleSounds-16-16-mono-18secs.wav');
Call classifySound
with the audio signal and sample rate.
[sounds,~,soundTable] = classifySound(audioIn,fs);
The sounds
string array contains the most likely sound event in each region.
sounds = 1×5 string
"Stream" "Machine gun" "Snoring" "Bark" "Meow"
The soundTable
contains detailed information regarding the sounds detected in each region, including score means and maximums over the analyzed signal.
soundTable=5×2 table
TimeStamps Results
________________ ___________
0 3.92 {4×3 table}
4.0425 6.0025 {3×3 table}
6.86 9.1875 {2×3 table}
10.658 12.373 {4×3 table}
12.985 16.66 {4×3 table}
View the last detected region.
ans=4×3 table
Sounds AverageScores MaxScores
________________________ _____________ _________
"Animal" 0.79514 0.99941
"Domestic animals, pets" 0.80243 0.99831
"Cat" 0.8048 0.99046
"Meow" 0.6342 0.90177
Call classifySound
again. This time, set IncludedSounds
to Animal
so that the function retains only regions in which the Animal
sound class is detected.
[sounds,timeStamps,soundTable] = classifySound(audioIn,fs, ... 'IncludedSounds','Animal');
The sounds array only returns sounds specified as included sounds. The sounds
array now contains two instances of Animal
that correspond to the regions declared as Bark
and Meow
sounds = 1×2 string
"Animal" "Animal"
The sound table only includes regions where the specified sound classes were detected.
soundTable=2×2 table
TimeStamps Results
________________ ___________
10.658 12.373 {4×3 table}
12.985 16.66 {4×3 table}
View the last detected region in soundTable
. The results table still includes statistics for all detected sounds in the region.
ans=4×3 table
Sounds AverageScores MaxScores
________________________ _____________ _________
"Animal" 0.79514 0.99941
"Domestic animals, pets" 0.80243 0.99831
"Cat" 0.8048 0.99046
"Meow" 0.6342 0.90177
To explore which sound classes are supported by classifySound
, use yamnetGraph
Exclude Specific Sounds
Read in an audio signal and call classifySound
to inspect the most likely sounds arranged in chronological order of detection.
[audioIn,fs] = audioread("multipleSounds-16-16-mono-18secs.wav");
sounds = classifySound(audioIn,fs)
sounds = 1×5 string
"Stream" "Machine gun" "Snoring" "Bark" "Meow"
Call classifySound
again and set ExcludedSounds
to Meow
to exclude the sound Meow
from the results. The segment previously classified as Meow
is now classified as Cat
, which is its immediate predecessor in the AudioSet ontology.
sounds = classifySound(audioIn,fs,"ExcludedSounds","Meow")
sounds = 1×5 string
"Stream" "Machine gun" "Snoring" "Bark" "Cat"
Call classifySound
again, and set ExcludedSounds
to Cat
. When you exclude a sound, all successors are also excluded. This means that excluding the sound Cat
also excludes the sound Meow
. The segment originally classified as Meow
is now classified as Domestic animals, pets
, which is the immediate predecessor to Cat
in the AudioSet ontology.
sounds = classifySound(audioIn,fs,"ExcludedSounds","Cat")
sounds = 1×5 string
"Stream" "Machine gun" "Snoring" "Bark" "Domestic animals, pets"
Call classifySound
again and set ExcludedSounds
to Domestic animals, pets
. The sound class, Domestic animals, pets
is a predecessor to both Bark
and Meow
, so by excluding it, the sounds previously identified as Bark
and Meow
are now both identified as the predecessor of Domestic animals, pets
, which is Animal
sounds = classifySound(audioIn,fs,"ExcludedSounds","Domestic animals, pets")
sounds = 1×5 string
"Stream" "Machine gun" "Snoring" "Animal" "Animal"
Call classifySound
again and set ExcludedSounds
to Animal
. The sound class Animal
has no predecessors.
sounds = classifySound(audioIn,fs,"ExcludedSounds","Animal")
sounds = 1×3 string
"Stream" "Machine gun" "Snoring"
If you want to avoid detecting Meow
and its predecessors, but continue detecting successors under the same predecessors, use the IncludedSounds
option. Call yamnetGraph
to get a list of all supported classes. Remove Meow
and its predecessors from the array of all classes, and then call classifySound
[~,classes] = yamnetGraph; classesToInclude = setxor(classes,["Meow","Cat","Domestic animals, pets","Animal"]); sounds = classifySound(audioIn,fs,"IncludedSounds",classesToInclude)
sounds = 1×4 string
"Stream" "Machine gun" "Snoring" "Bark"
Generate Word Cloud
Read in an audio signal and listen to it.
[audioIn,fs] = audioread('multipleSounds-16-16-mono-18secs.wav');
Call classifySound
with no output arguments to generate a word cloud of the detected sounds.
Modify default parameters of classifySound
to explore the effect on the word cloud.
threshold =0.1; minimumSoundSeparation =
0.92; minimumSoundDuration =
1.02; classifySound(audioIn,fs, ... 'Threshold',threshold, ... 'MinimumSoundSeparation',minimumSoundSeparation, ... 'MinimumSoundDuration',minimumSoundDuration);
Input Arguments
— Audio input
column vector
Audio input, specified as a one-channel signal (column vector).
Data Types: single
| double
— Sample rate (Hz)
positive scalar
Sample rate in Hz, specified as a positive scalar.
Data Types: single
| double
Name-Value Arguments
Specify optional pairs of arguments as
, where Name
the argument name and Value
is the corresponding value.
Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the
pairs does not matter.
Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose
in quotes.
Example: 'Threshold',0.1
— Confidence threshold for reporting sounds
(default) | scalar in the range (0,1)
Confidence threshold for reporting sounds, specified as the comma-separated pair
consisting of 'Threshold'
and a scalar in the range (0,1).
Data Types: single
| double
— Minimum separation between detected sound regions (s)
(default) | positive scalar
Minimum separation between consecutive regions of the same detected sound in
seconds, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a positive scalar. Regions closer
than the minimum sound separation are merged.
Data Types: single
| double
— Minimum duration of detected sound region (s)
(default) | positive scalar
Minimum duration of detected sound regions in seconds, specified as the
comma-separated pair consisting of 'MinimumSoundDuration'
and a
positive scalar. Regions shorter than the minimum sound duration are discarded.
Data Types: single
| double
— Sounds to include in results
character vector | cell array of character vectors | string scalar | string array
Sounds to include in results, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting of
and a character vector, cell array of character
vectors, string scalar, or string array. Use yamnetGraph
to inspect and
analyze the sounds supported by classifySound
. By default, all
supported sounds are included.
This option cannot be used with the
Data Types: char
| string
| cell
— Sounds to exclude from results
character vector | cell array of character vectors | string scalar | string array
Sounds to exclude from results, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting
of 'ExcludedSounds'
and a character vector, cell array of character
vectors, string scalar, or string array. When you specify an excluded sound, any
successors of the excluded sound are also excluded. Use yamnetGraph
to inspect valid
sound classes and their predecessors and successors according to the AudioSet
ontology. By default, no sounds are excluded.
This option cannot be used with the
Data Types: char
| string
| cell
— Specificity of reported sounds
(default) | 'low'
| 'none'
Specificity of reported sounds, specified as the comma-separated pair consisting
of 'SpecificityLevel'
and 'high'
, or 'none'
. Set
to 'high'
to make the
function emphasize specific sound classes instead of general categories. Set
to 'low'
to make the
function return the most general sound categories instead of specific sound classes.
Set SpecificityLevel
to 'none'
to make the
function return the most likely sound, regardless of its specificity.
Data Types: char
| string
Output Arguments
— Sounds detected over time in audio input
string array
Sounds detected over time in audio input, returned as a string array containing the detected sounds in chronological order.
— Time stamps associated with detected sounds (s)
N-by-2 matrix
Time stamps associated with detected sounds in seconds, returned as an
N-by-2 matrix. N is the number of detected
sounds. Each row of timestamps
contains the start and end times of
the detected sound region.
— Detailed results of sound classification
Detailed results of sound classification, returned as a table. The number of rows in the table is equal to the number of detected sound regions. The columns are as follows.
–– Time stamps corresponding to each analyzed region.Results
–– Table with three variables:Sounds
–– Sounds detected in each region.AverageScores
–– Mean network scores corresponding to each detected sound class in the region.MaxScores
–– Maximum network scores corresponding to each detected sound class in the region.
The classifySound
function uses YAMNet to classify audio segments
into sound classes described by the AudioSet ontology. The classifySound
function preprocesses the audio so that it is in the format required by YAMNet and
postprocesses YAMNet's predictions with common tasks that make the results more
to 16 kHz and cast to single precision.Buffer into L overlapping segments. Each segment is 0.98 seconds and the segments are overlapped by 0.8575 seconds.
Pass each segment through a one-sided short time Fourier transform using a 25 ms periodic Hann window with a 10 ms hop and a 512-point DFT. The audio is now represented by a 257-by-96-by-L array, where 257 is the number of bins in the one-sided spectra and 96 is the number of spectra in the spectrograms.
Convert the complex spectral values to magnitude and discard phase information.
Pass the one-sided magnitude spectrum through a 64-band mel-spaced filter bank and then sum the magnitudes in each band. The audio is now represented by a 96-by-64-by-1-by-L array, where 96 is the number of spectra in the mel spectrogram, 64 is the number of mel bands, and the spectrograms are now spaced along the fourth dimension for compatibility with the YAMNet model.
Convert the mel spectrograms to a log scale.
Pass the 96-by-64-by-1-by-L array of mel spectrograms through YAMNet to return an L-by-521 matrix. The output from YAMNet corresponds to confidence scores for each of the 521 sound classes over time.
Pass each of the 521 confidence signals through a moving mean filter with a window length of 7.
Pass each of the signals through a moving median filter with a window length of 3.
Convert the confidence signals to binary masks using the specified
.Discard any sound shorter than
.Merge regions that are closer than
Consolidate identified sound regions that overlap by 50% or more into single regions.
The region start time is the smallest start time of all sounds in the group. The region
end time is the largest end time of all sounds in the group. The function returns time
stamps, sounds classes, and the mean and maximum confidence of the sound classes within
the region in the resultsTable
You can set the specificity level of your sound classification using the
option. For example, assume there are four sound
classes in a sound group with the following corresponding mean scores over the sound
Trickle, dribble
The sound classes, Water
, Stream
Trickle, dribble
, and Pour
are situated in
AudioSet ontology as indicated by the graph:
The functions returns the sound class for the sound group in the
output argument depending on the
(default) –– In this mode,Stream
is preferred toWater
, andTrickle, dribble
is preferred toPour
has a higher mean score over the region, so the function returnsStream
in thesounds
output for the region."low"
–– In this mode, the most general ontological category for the sound class with the highest mean confidence over the region is returned. ForTrickle, dribble
, the most general category isSounds of things
. ForStream
, the most general category isNatural sounds
. BecauseWater
has the highest mean confidence over the sound region, the function returnsNatural sounds
–– In this mode, the function returns the sound class with the highest mean confidence score, which in this example isWater
[1] Gemmeke, Jort F., et al. “Audio Set: An Ontology and Human-Labeled Dataset for Audio Events.” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, 2017, pp. 776–80. (Crossref), doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7952261.
[2] Hershey, Shawn, et al. “CNN Architectures for Large-Scale Audio Classification.” 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), IEEE, 2017, pp. 131–35. (Crossref), doi:10.1109/ICASSP.2017.7952132.
Extended Capabilities
GPU Arrays
Accelerate code by running on a graphics processing unit (GPU) using Parallel Computing Toolbox™.
This function fully supports GPU arrays. For more information, see Run MATLAB Functions on a GPU (Parallel Computing Toolbox).
Version History
Introduced in R2020b
See Also
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