Generate Feed-Forward Flux Parameters
This example shows how to create lookup tables for an interior permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) controller that characterizes the d-axis and q-axis flux as a function of d-axis and q-axis currents.
To generate the flux parameters for the Flux-Based PM Controller block, follow these workflow steps.
Step 1: Load and Preprocess Data
Load and preprocess this nonlinear motor flux data from dynamometer testing or finite element analysis (FEA):
d- and q- axis current
d- and q- axis flux
Electromagnetic motor torque
Import and preprocess the raw PMSM data from an xlsx
file captured from a dynamometer or another CAE tool.
fileName ="PMSM_150kW.xlsx"; opts = detectImportOptions(fileName); % read units if they are defined in the second row if opts.DataRange=="A3" opts.VariableUnitsRange = "A2"; end rawData = readtable(fileName, opts);
Load the data columns.
lambda_d = rawData.Psi_d; lambda_q = rawData.Psi_q; id = rawData.I_d; iq = rawData.I_q;
Step 2: Generate Evenly Spaced Data
The raw current and flux tables are recorded in a single column format. Convert them into evenly spaced data matrices using 2-D interpolation.
Set the spacing for the table rows and columns.
flux_d_size =51; flux_q_size =
Use interpolation to get higher resolution.
id_new = linspace(min(id),max(id),flux_d_size); iq_new = linspace(min(iq),max(iq),flux_q_size); currentBreakpoints = {id_new,iq_new};
Visualize the Flux Surfaces
The d-axis flux, λd, is a function of d-axis current, Id, and q-axis current, Iq.
lambda_d_new = fitlookupn(currentBreakpoints,[id,iq],lambda_d,ShowPlot=true); title("Flux d [Wb]"); xlabel("Id [A]") ylabel("Iq [A]");
The q-axis flux, λq, is a function of d-axis current, Id, and q-axis current, Iq.
lambda_q_new = fitlookupn(currentBreakpoints,[id,iq],lambda_q,ShowPlot=true); title("Flux q [Wb]"); xlabel("Id [A]") ylabel("Iq [A]");
Step 3: Set Block Parameters
Set these Flux-Based PM Controller block parameters to the values assigned in the script.
Vector of d-axis current breakpoints, id_index
Vector of q-axis current breakpoints, iq_index
Corresponding d-axis flux, lambda_d
Corresponding q-axis flux, lambda_q
See Also
Flux-Based PM Controller | Flux-Based PMSM