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Generate Parameter Data for Equivalent Circuit Battery Block

Using MathWorks® tools, estimation techniques, and measured lithium-ion or lead acid battery data, you can generate parameters for the Equivalent Circuit Battery block. The Equivalent Circuit Battery block implements a resistor-capacitor (RC) circuit battery with open circuit voltage, series resistance, and 1 through N RC pairs. The number of RC pairs reflects the number of time constants that characterize the battery transients. Typically, the number of RC pairs ranges from 1 through 5.

To create parameter data for the Equivalent Circuit Battery block, follow these workflow steps. The steps use numerical optimization techniques to determine the number of recommended RC pairs, provide initial estimates for the battery model circuit parameters, and estimate parameters to fit a model to experimental pulse discharge data. The results provide the open circuit voltage, series resistance, and RC pair parameter data for the Equivalent Circuit Battery block.


Estimate Equivalent Circuit Lithium-Ion Battery Data

Live script providing workflow steps 1 through 3.

Step 1: Load and Preprocess Data

Load and preprocess time series battery discharge voltage and current data.

Step 2: Determine the Number of RC Pairs

Determine the number of necessary time constants (TC) for estimation.

Step 3: Estimate Parameters

For battery discharge data, estimate and optimize these values:

  • Open-circuit voltage, Em

  • Series resistance, R0

  • RC pair(s) time constant(s), Tau

  • RC pair(s) resistance(s), Rx

Step 4: Set Equivalent Circuit Battery Block Parameters

Set the Equivalent Circuit Battery block parameters.


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