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Configure AUTOSAR Package for Component, Interface, CompuMethod, or SwAddrMethod

As part of configuring an AUTOSAR component, interface, CompuMethod, or SwAddrMethod, you specify the AUTOSAR package (AR-PACKAGE) to be generated for individual components, interfaces, CompuMethods, or SwAddrMethods in your configuration. For example, here is the AUTOSAR Dictionary view for an individual interface in example model autosar_swc_slfcns. Access this example by running the following at the command-line:


You can enter a package path in the Package parameter field, or use the AUTOSAR Package Browser to select a package. To open the browser, click the button to the right of the Package field. The AUTOSAR Package Browser opens.

In the browser, you can select an existing package, or create and select a new package. To create a new package, select the containing folder for the new package and click the Add button . For example, to add a new interface package, select the if folder and click the Add button. Then select the new subpackage and edit its name.

When you apply your changes in the browser, the interface Package parameter value is updated with your selection.

For more information about AR-PACKAGEs, see Configure AUTOSAR Packages.

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