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Generate Bluetooth LE ATT PDU


    attPDU = bleATTPDU(cfgATT) generates a Bluetooth® low energy (LE) attribute protocol data unit (ATT PDU) corresponding to the Bluetooth LE ATT PDU configuration object cfgATT.



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    Generate two unique Bluetooth LE ATT PDUs of the type 'Read by type request' and 'Error response'.

    Create a default Bluetooth LE ATT PDU configuration object.

    cfgATT = bleATTPDUConfig;

    Set the Bluetooth LE ATT PDU opcode to 'Read by type request'.

    cfgATT.Opcode = 'Read by type request'
    cfgATT = 
      bleATTPDUConfig with properties:
               Opcode: 'Read by type request'
          StartHandle: '0001'
            EndHandle: 'FFFF'
        AttributeType: '2800'

    Generate a Bluetooth LE ATT PDU using the corresponding configuration object.

    attPDU = bleATTPDU(cfgATT)
    attPDU = 7x2 char array

    Create another Bluetooth LE ATT PDU configuration object, this time using the name-value pairs. Set the Bluetooth LE ATT PDU opcode to 'Error response'.

    cfgATT = bleATTPDUConfig('Opcode','Error response')
    cfgATT = 
      bleATTPDUConfig with properties:
                 Opcode: 'Error response'
        RequestedOpcode: 'Read request'
        AttributeHandle: '0001'
           ErrorMessage: 'Invalid handle'

    Generate a Bluetooth LE ATT PDU corresponding to this configuration object.

    attPDU = bleATTPDU(cfgATT)
    attPDU = 5x2 char array

    Input Arguments

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    Bluetooth LE ATT PDU configuration object, specified as a bleATTPDUConfig object.

    Output Arguments

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    Generated Bluetooth LE ATT PDU, returned as a character array. Each row in this array is the hexadecimal representation of an octet.


    [1] Bluetooth Technology Website. “Bluetooth Technology Website | The Official Website of Bluetooth Technology.” Accessed November 22, 2021.

    [2] Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG). "Bluetooth Core Specification." Version 5.3.

    Extended Capabilities

    C/C++ Code Generation
    Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2019b

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