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Run Network License Manager from Microsoft Azure Marketplace

This topic describes how to use the Azure® Marketplace to quickly deploy and run a network license manager in Azure. The elasticity of the cloud infrastructure enables you to deploy your license manager exactly where you need it for cloud computing with MATLAB®.


To complete these instructions, you need:

Deploy Network License Manager Resources in Azure

Configure and Deploy Template from Marketplace

To configure and deploy the network license manager resources in a resource group:

  1. Navigate to and login to your Azure account.

  2. From the Portal, click Create a Resource.

  3. Search for “network license manager” in the marketplace and select the Network License Manager for MATLAB offering.

  4. Click Create on the offering page to begin setup.

    Picture of the network license manager for MATLAB offering in the Azure Marketplace.

  5. The setup process uses a Resource Manager template to help you configure the virtual machine (VM) and networking settings. To make setup easy, many of the fields come prepopulated with suitable values. This table describes how to set the various options in each menu of the template. Click Next at the end of each step to proceed to the next menu.




    Select an Azure subscription to use.

    Resource group

    You can select an existing resource group from the drop-down menu, or click Create New to create a new resource group. If you select an existing resource group, then it must not have any currently deployed resources.


    Select a region from the drop-down list.

    Network License Manager Virtual Machine Settings

    Virtual machine size

    Select the VM size. The default size (B1s) is sufficient for most purposes and safely satisfies the minimum requirements for the network license manager. You can select a different size if necessary. Note that the size of the VM you choose affects your costs.


    Choose the admin password for the user "matlab". This password is required when logging into your instance using remote desktop protocol. Your password must have at least 12 characters and meet the Azure password requirements. For information on the password requirements, see What are the password requirements when creating a VM?.

    Confirm password

    Retype your chosen password.

    IP addressThe IP address range that is authorized to connect to the VM. This must be a valid IP CIDR range of the form x.x.x.x/x. Use a value of the form x.x.x.x/32 to restrict access to only your computer.


    Virtual network

    The Virtual network field is prepopulated with a new virtual network resource named netlm-vnet.

    • You can configure the name, address space, or subnets of the new virtual network resource by clicking Create new.

    • You can select an existing virtual network resource in the drop-down menu. If you choose to use an existing resource, then the template does not create any new virtual network resources.


    The Subnet field is prepopulated with a new subnet named netlm-subnet and an associated subnet address.

    • You can select a different subnet of the selected virtual network in the drop-down menu.

    • If you selected an existing virtual network rather than creating a new one, then you can click Manage subnet configuration to configure the subnets for the network.

    Review and Create

    When you advance to the Review and Create menu, Azure automatically runs some final validation checks on the information entered on previous screens. If Azure finds any errors, then you must fix them before proceeding.

    After the validation completes successfully, review the MathWorks® Terms of use and Privacy policy. You are responsible for all associated costs once you deploy MATLAB Parallel Server™ in Azure.

    Once you are satisfied with the values you have entered, click Create to finalize setup and begin deploying the selected resources, or click Download a template for automation to get a copy of the completed template.

    • The deployment can take several minutes. You will get a notification in the Azure Portal once the deployment is complete.

    • When the deployment is complete, follow the instructions in Connect to your Cluster from MATLAB to use the cluster you set up.

Launch Network License Manager Portal and Upload Licence File

Once you have successfully configured and deployed the network license manager resources, use these steps to connect to the license manager portal and upload the license.

  1. From the Azure Portal, navigate to the resource group with the resources you deployed.

  2. Copy the DNS name.

  3. In a new tab, browse to the DNS name you copied in the previous step.

  4. Log in to the network license manager portal using the prepopulated username manager and the password you set when you created the resources.

  5. Upload the license file following the steps described in the portal. To obtain the license file, follow the instructions in Step 1. Download License File in the Install and Licensing documentation.

Delete Network License Manager Resources from Azure

You can remove the resource group and all associated resources when you are done with them to help save on costs.

  1. Login to the Azure Portal.

  2. Select the resource group containing the network license manager resources you deployed.

  3. Select the Delete resource group icon to delete all resources deployed in the group.

  4. You will be prompted to confirm the deletion.

The deletion is final, and files do not persist between deployments. You must create the resources to make them available again.

Architecture and Resources for Network License Manager in Azure

Deploying the network license manager in Azure creates several resources in your resource group. The deployment sets up a single Azure VM running on Windows Server 2016 Datacenter, a network interface with a public IP address to connect to the network license manager hosted portal, a network security group that controls network traffic, and a virtual network for communication between resources. The following table summarizes the resources that are created.

Resource NameDefault Resource Name in AzureDescription
Virtual machinenetlm-serverThe VM instance with a pre-installed desktop network license manager service. The name you choose for this virtual machine resource acts as the root of the names for the Public IP address and Disk resources.
Public IP addressnetlm-server-ipPublic IP address to connect to the VM running MATLAB. If you select an existing Public IP resource, then the template does not create this resource.
Disknetlm-server_<unique id>The disk attached to the VM.
Network interfacenetlm-server-nicEnables the VM to communicate with the internet, Azure, and on-premises resources.
Network security groupnetlm-nsgAllows or denies traffic to and from sources and destinations.
Virtual networknetlm-vnetEnables resources to communicate with each other. If you select an existing virtual network resource, then the template does not create this resource.

The architecture of these resources is summarized in this diagram.

The Virtual Network includes the subnet and Network Security Group for the network license manager. Connections to the license manager are via https.

Marketplace vs. Reference Architecture

The network license manager for Azure Marketplace allows you to use a pre-configured template. If you want to customize the templates or use automation scripts, then you can use the Network License Manager for MATLAB on Microsoft Azure Reference Architecture instead.


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If the problem persists, or there are not any relevant posts on MATLAB Answers for the issue, contact Technical Support.

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