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Install License Manager on License Server

Install the license manager on a computer in your network that you want to use as your license server. You must install the license manager and have it up and running before you install MATLAB® software on client computers.

You only need to install the network license manager one time at a site.


Follow these recommendations when installing the network license manager:

  • Do not expose the commands to run the network license manager to the Internet or an untrusted network.

  • Start the network license manager so that local administrator access is required to run the shutdown procedure. See the procedure in Start Network License Manager

Step 1. Download License File

  1. Go to the License Center. Sign in to your MathWorks® Account, if prompted.

  2. Click the network license you'll be using.

  3. Click the Install and Activate tab and then click Activate a Server.

  4. Obtain the host ID of the computer on which you intend to run the network license manager. The following support article contains instructions for finding your host ID: "What is a Host ID?".

  5. Specify the operating system type and host ID of the computer on which you intend to run the network license manager. You can optionally assign a descriptive label to the activation as well. Click Continue.

  6. For Is the software installed?, answer "No". Click Continue.

  7. Select either Download License File or Email License File.

    Whichever option you selected, remember to save the license file to the server where you will be installing the network license manager.

    Click Continue.

For this workflow, you can skip the remaining steps in the License Center and continue following these instructions.

Step 2. Download Installer

Download the installer from You can specify the release and operating system of the license server.

If you are installing the network license manager on an offline machine, copy the installer to the offline machine or put it in a location that the machine can access it, such as a shared network drive.

Step 3. Start the Installer

Start the installer using the procedure that matches the operating system of the license server.


  1. If you clicked Run when you selected the installer on the MathWorks website, the installer starts automatically.

    If you saved the installer instead, double-click the self-extracting installer file in the folder where you saved it. The name of the self-extracting installer file is matlab_release_$ARCH, where release is the release you are installing (for example, R2024b) and $ARCH is the selected architecture.

    The installer should start automatically after file extraction is complete.

  2. To restart the installer later, click setup.exe. This file is located in the top level of the folder where you extracted the files.

  3. When the installer starts, click Advanced Options > I want to install network license manager.


  1. Double-click the dmg file that you downloaded from the MathWorks website. Double-click

  2. When the installer starts, click Advanced Options > I want to install network license manager.


  1. Use the unzip command to extract the files from the archive file that you downloaded from the MathWorks website. After extracting the files, execute the installer command:


    If you plan to run the installer using the root account, see this MATLAB Answer: Why can't I install MATLAB with the root account in Linux?

  2. When the installer starts, click Advanced Options > I want to install network license manager.

Step 4. Review the Software License Agreement

Review the software license agreement and, if you agree with the terms, select Yes and click Next.

Step 5. Select License File

Provide the name and path to the license file that you downloaded in Step 1. Click Next.

If the installer can't find the host ID in the license, you'll get a message letting you know you must manually add it after you finish installing.

Step 6. Select Destination Folder

The destination folder is where you want to install the network license manager.

  • Accept the default installation folder, or click Browse to select a different one. If the folder does not exist, the installer creates it.

  • The destination folder must be on an absolute path.

  • MathWorks recommends that you install the network license manager in its own folder. If you select the top-level drive, you will be asked to confirm your selection.

  • When specifying a folder name:

    • You can use any alphanumeric character and some special characters, such as underscores.

    • You cannot use non-English characters.

    • Folder names cannot contain invalid characters and the destination cannot be named “private.”

If you make a mistake while entering a folder name and want to start over, click Restore Default.

Step 7. Select Options (Windows Only)

Select Configure as service if you want the license manager to launch every time you start the computer.

Step 8. Confirm Selections and Install

This screen displays the summary of your installation choices. To change a setting, click the topic on the navigation bar. To proceed with the installation, click Begin Install.

When the installation is complete, note if the installer shows you any additional steps required to complete configuration, and click Close. If there were additional required steps, complete them before installing and running MATLAB on client computers.

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