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Validate that value lies on the complex plane

Since R2023b


coder.mustBeComplex(value) validates that the function input value can have a nonzero imaginary part. In MATLAB® execution, this function does not throw an assertion because any numeric input can have a nonzero imaginary part. In code generation, this validator specifies at compile time that value has a complex type.



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This example shows how to specify that an entry-point input has complex type for code generation using the coder.mustBeComplex validator.

Define entry-point function multiplyByThree that accepts a complex single-precision scalar input.

function out = multiplyByThree(in)
    in (1,1) single {coder.mustBeComplex}
out = in*3;

Generate a static library for multiplyByThree using the codegen command. Because the arguments block fully specifies the type, size, and complexity of the input argument in, you do not need to use the -args option.

codegen -config:lib -c multiplyByThree -report
Code generation successful: View report

Open the code generation report. Observe that the input argument in has a complex type.

Screenshot of code generation report showing that the argument in has complex type.

This example shows how to validate that an input to a non-entry-point function has a complex type.

Define the entry-point function testComplex that calls the local function local. The function local accepts one input that is declared to be complex using the coder.mustBeComplex validator.

function y = testComplex(x)
y = local(x);

function v = local(u)
    u {coder.mustBeComplex}
v = u + sqrt(u);

Attempt to generate code for the testComplex function. Specify the input to be a scalar double using the -args option. Code generation fails because the code generator treats the input to testComplex as real by default. You pass this real type directly to local, thereby triggering an error from the coder.mustBeComplex validator.

codegen testComplex -args 0
Value must be complex.

Error in ==> testComplex Line: 7 Column: 8
Code generation failed: View Error Report

To fix this issue, convert the input x to testComplex to a complex type before passing it to local using the complex function.

function y = testComplex(x)
y = local(complex(x));

function v = local(u)
    u {coder.mustBeComplex}
v = u + sqrt(u);

Run the same codegen command again.

codegen testComplex -args 0
Code generation successful.

Input Arguments

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Value to validate, specified as a numeric scalar or array.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

GPU Code Generation
Generate CUDA® code for NVIDIA® GPUs using GPU Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2023b

See Also

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