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Specify String Scalar Inputs at the Command Line

You can specify string scalar input types by using the codegen command with -args at the command line. Alternatively, you can specify input types by using function argument validation in your MATLAB® code, by using the MATLAB Coder™ app, or by using assert statements in your MATLAB code. For an overview of these four methods of input type specification, see Specify Types of Entry-Point Function Inputs.

To define string scalar inputs at the command line, use one of these procedures:

Alternatively, if you have a test file that calls your entry-point function with example inputs, you can determine the input types by using coder.getArgTypes.

Provide an Example String Scalar Input

To provide an example string scalar to codegen, use the -args option:

codegen myFunction -args {"Hello, world"}

Provide a String Scalar Type

To provide a type for a string scalar to codegen:

  1. Define a string scalar. For example:

    s = "mystring";

  2. Create a type from s.

    t = coder.typeof(s);

  3. Pass the type to codegen by using the -args option.

    codegen myFunction -args {t}

Provide a Constant String Scalar Input

To specify that a string scalar input is constant, use coder.Constant with the -args option:

codegen myFunction -args {coder.Constant("Hello, world")}

Provide a Variable-Size String Scalar Input

To specify that a string scalar input has a variable-size:

  1. Define a string scalar. For example:

    s = "mystring";

  2. Create a type from s.

    t = coder.typeof(s);

  3. Assign the StringLength property of the type the upper bound of the string length and set VariableStringLength to true. For example, specify that type t is variable-size with an upper bound of 10.

    t.StringLength = 10;
    t.VariableStringLength = true;

    To specify that t is variable-size with no upper bound:

    t.StringLength = Inf;
    This automatically sets the VariableStringLength property to true.

  4. Pass the type to codegen by using the -args option.

    codegen myFunction -args {t}

See Also

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