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Plot temporal and spatial profiles of ray-tracing channel

Since R2020b


    showProfile(rtchan) plots the power delay profile (PDP), angle of departure (AoD), and angle of arrival (AoA) information for the ray-tracing channels in a single figure with three subplots.

    • The PDP subplot is derived from the propagation delay, path loss, phase shift, pattern gain at transmit array and pattern gain at receive array for each ray specified by the PropagationRays property of the rtchan input.

    • The AoD and AoA subplots show the 3-D directions of the rays in the local coordinate system (LCS).

      • When the TransmitArray or ReceiveArray properties are objects from the Phased Array System Toolbox software, the AoD and AoA subplots also show the directivity pattern of the arrays.


    showProfile(rtchan,'ArrayPattern',false) optionally turns off the directivity pattern in the AoD and AoA subplots. This option applies only when the TransmitArray or ReceiveArray property in the comm.RayTracingChannel System object™ are objects from the Phased Array System Toolbox software.


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    Perform ray-tracing between two sites in Chicago. Build a multipath channel model using the ray tracing result, and show the temporal and spatial profiles of the channel.

    Launch Site Viewer with buildings in Chicago. For more information about the osm file, see [1].

    viewer = siteviewer("Buildings","chicago.osm");

    Create a transmitter site, a receiver site, and a ray tracing propagation model for up to five reflections. By default, ray tracing models use the shooting and bouncing rays (SBR) method.

    tx = txsite("Latitude",41.8800, ...
        "Longitude",-87.6295, ...
        "AntennaAngle",30,"AntennaHeight",10, ...
    rx = rxsite("Latitude",41.881352, ...
        "Longitude",-87.629771, ...
    pm = propagationModel("raytracing","MaxNumReflections",5);

    Show the obstruction to the line-of-sight path.


    Obstructed line-of-sight path from transmitter site to receiver site. The path is green from the transmitter to the building, and red from the building to the receiver.

    Show the reflected propagation paths using ray tracing.


    Many propagation paths from transmitter site to receiver site

    Perform ray tracing to find rays between the transmitter and receiver sites for the specified SBR propagation model. Create a channel model using transmitter site, receiver site, and calculated rays between the sites. Show temporal and spatial profiles of the channel.

    rays = raytrace(tx,rx,pm);
    rtchan = comm.RayTracingChannel(rays{1},tx,rx);

    Figure contains 3 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title Power Delay Profile, xlabel Delay (s), ylabel Magnitude contains an object of type stem. Axes object 2 with title Angle of Departure, xlabel x, ylabel y contains 7 objects of type quiver, text. Axes object 3 with title Angle of Arrival, xlabel x, ylabel y contains 7 objects of type quiver, text.


    [1] The osm file is downloaded from, which provides access to crowd-sourced map data all over the world. The data is licensed under the Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL),

    Input Arguments

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    Ray-tracing channel, specified as a comm.RayTracingChannel System object.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020b

    See Also

