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View GSM waveform information


infostruct= gsmInfo(gsmCfg) returns a structure containing characteristic waveform information for the input GSM configuration object.



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View information from downlink and uplink GSM configuration objects.

Create a GSM downlink configuration object with default settings and use gsmInfo to view the waveform information structure.

cfgDL = gsmDownlinkConfig;
infostructDL = gsmInfo(cfgDL)
infostructDL = struct with fields:
              SymbolRate: 2.7083e+05
              SampleRate: 4.3333e+06
    BandwidthTimeProduct: 0.3000
    BurstLengthInSymbols: 156.2500
       NumBurstsPerFrame: 8
    BurstLengthInSamples: 2500
    FrameLengthInSamples: 20000

Create a GSM uplink configuration object with default settings and use gsmInfo to view the waveform information structure.

cfgUL = gsmUplinkConfig;
infostructUL = gsmInfo(cfgUL)
infostructUL = struct with fields:
              SymbolRate: 2.7083e+05
              SampleRate: 4.3333e+06
    BandwidthTimeProduct: 0.3000
    BurstLengthInSymbols: 156.2500
       NumBurstsPerFrame: 8
    BurstLengthInSamples: 2500
    FrameLengthInSamples: 20000

Create a GSM downlink TDMA frame configuration object with default settings, and then create a GSM waveform containing five TDMA frames. GSM TDMA frames have eight time slots, each separated by a guard period of 8.25 symbols or about 30.46x10e-3 ms. Plot the GSM waveform.

Create a GSM uplink TDMA frame configuration object, specifying 3 dB of attenuation in the last time slot to help identify the end of each frame.

cfggsmul = gsmUplinkConfig('Attenuation',[0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3])
cfggsmul = 
  gsmUplinkConfig with properties:

           BurstType: [NB    NB    NB    NB    NB    NB    NB    NB]
    SamplesPerSymbol: 16
                 TSC: [0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7]
         Attenuation: [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3]
         PulseLength: 4
            RiseTime: 2
           RiseDelay: 0
            FallTime: 2
           FallDelay: 0

Display information about the configured gsmUplinkConfig object by using the gsmInfo function. Assign the frame length in samples to a variable, spf, for use in computing the plot timescale.

wfInfo = gsmInfo(cfggsmul)
wfInfo = struct with fields:
              SymbolRate: 2.7083e+05
              SampleRate: 4.3333e+06
    BandwidthTimeProduct: 0.3000
    BurstLengthInSymbols: 156.2500
       NumBurstsPerFrame: 8
    BurstLengthInSamples: 2500
    FrameLengthInSamples: 20000

spf = wfInfo.FrameLengthInSamples;

Create the GSM waveform by using the gsmFrame function, and then plot the GSM waveform. The last time slot of each frame is 3 dB less than the other time slots in that frame.

numFrames = 5;
waveform = gsmFrame(cfggsmul,numFrames);

t = 8*(0:length(waveform)-1)/spf;

numTS = 8*numFrames;
grid on
axis([0 numTS 0 1.2])
title('GSM Uplink Waveform - Amplitude')
xlabel('Time Slots')
grid on
title('GSM Uplink Waveform - Phase')
xlabel('Time Slots')
ylabel('Phase (rad)')

Figure contains 2 axes objects. Axes object 1 with title GSM Uplink Waveform - Amplitude, xlabel Time Slots, ylabel Amplitude contains an object of type line. Axes object 2 with title GSM Uplink Waveform - Phase, xlabel Time Slots, ylabel Phase (rad) contains an object of type line.

Input Arguments

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GSM configuration, specified as a gsmUplinkConfig or gsmDownlinkConfig object.

Output Arguments

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Structure containing these fields with information about the characteristic GSM waveform based on the input configuration object.

GSM symbol rate in symbols per second, returned as a positive integer.

GSM sample rate in samples per second, returned as a positive integer.

Product of bandwidth and symbol time of Gaussian pulse for the GMSK modulator, returned as a positive integer.

GSM burst length in symbols, returned as a positive scalar.

Number of bursts in a GSM TDMA frame, returned as a positive integer.

GSM burst length in samples, returned as a positive integer.

GSM frame length in samples, returned as a positive integer.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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