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Convert magnitude to decibels (dB)


    ydb = mag2db(y) expresses in decibels (dB) the magnitude measurements specified in y. The relationship between magnitude and decibels is ydb=20log10(y)



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    For this example, consider the following SISO feedback loop where the system contains multiple gain crossover or phase crossover frequencies, which leads to multiple gain or phase margin values:

    SISO transfer function in a negative feedback loop

    Create the transfer function.

    G = tf(20,[1 7]) * tf([1 3.2 7.2],[1 -1.2 0.8]) * tf([1 -8 400],[1 33 700]);

    Use the allmargin command to compute all stability margins.

    m = allmargin(G)
    m = struct with fields:
         GainMargin: [0.3408 3.3920]
        GMFrequency: [1.9421 16.4807]
        PhaseMargin: 68.1140
        PMFrequency: 7.0776
        DelayMargin: 0.1680
        DMFrequency: 7.0776
             Stable: 1

    Note that gain margins are expressed as gain ratios and not in decibels (dB). Use mag2db to convert the values to dB.

    GainMargins_dB = mag2db(m.GainMargin)
    GainMargins_dB = 1×2
       -9.3510   10.6091

    Input Arguments

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    Input array, specified as a scalar, vector, matrix, or an array. When y is nonscalar, mag2db is an element-wise operation.

    Data Types: single | double
    Complex Number Support: Yes

    Output Arguments

    collapse all

    Magnitude measurements in decibels, returned as a scalar, vector, matrix, or an array of the same size as y.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2008a

    See Also

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