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Passivity Indices

This example shows how to compute various measures of passivity for linear time-invariant systems.

Passive Systems

A linear system G(s) is passive when all I/O trajectories (u(t),y(t)) satisfy


where yT(t) denotes the transpose of y(t).

To measure "how passive" a system is, we use passivity indices.

  • The input passivity index is defined as the largest ν such that


The system G is "input strictly passive" (ISP) when ν>0. ν is also called the "input feedforward passivity" (IFP) index and corresponds to the minimum feedforward action needed to make the system passive.

  • The output passivity index is defined as the largest ρ such that


The system G is "output strictly passive" (OSP) when ρ>0. ρ is also called the "output feedback passivity" (OFP) index and corresponds to the minimum feedback action needed to make the system passive.

  • The I/O passivity index is defined as the largest τ such that


The system is "very strictly passive" (VSP) if τ>0.

Circuit Example

Consider the following example. We take the current I as the input and the voltage V as the output. Based on Kirchhoff's current and voltage law, we obtain the transfer function for G(s),


Let R=2, L=1 and C=0.1.

R = 2; L = 1; C = 0.1; 
s = tf('s');
G = (L*s+R)*(R*s+1/C)/(L*s^2 + 2*R*s+1/C);

Use isPassive to check whether G(s) is passive.

PF = isPassive(G)
PF = logical

Since PF = true, G(s) is passive. Use getPassiveIndex to compute the passivity indices of G(s).

% Input passivity index
nu = getPassiveIndex(G,'in')
nu = 
% Output passivity index
rho = getPassiveIndex(G,'out')
rho = 
% I/O passivity index
tau = getPassiveIndex(G,'io')
tau = 

Since τ>0, the system G(s) is very strictly passive.

Frequency-Domain Characterization

A linear system is passive if and only if it is "positive real":


The smallest eigenvalue of the left-hand-side is related to the input passivity index ν:


where λmin denotes the smallest eigenvalue. Similarly, when G(s) is minimum-phase, the output passivity index is given by:


Verify this for the circuit example. Plot the Nyquist plot of the circuit transfer function.


MATLAB figure

The entire Nyquist plot lies in the right-half plane so G(s) is positive real. The leftmost point on the Nyquist curve is (x,y)=(2,0) so the input passivity index is ν=2, the same value we obtained earlier. Similarly, the leftmost point on the Nyquist curve for G-1(s) gives the output passivity index value ρ=0.286.

Relative Passivity Index

It can be shown that the "positive real" condition


is equivalent to the small gain condition


The relative passivity index (R-index) is the peak gain over frequency of (I-G)(I+G)-1 when I+G is minimum phase, and + otherwise:


In the time domain, the R-index is the smallest r>0 such that


The system G(s) is passive if and only if R<1, and the smaller R is, the more passive the system is. Use getPassiveIndex to compute the R-index for the circuit example.

R = getPassiveIndex(G)
R = 

The resulting R value indicates that the circuit is a very passive system.


[1] Xia, M., P. Gahinet, N. Abroug, C. Buhr, and E. Laroche. “Sector Bounds in Stability Analysis and Control Design.” International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 30, no. 18 (December 2020): 7857–82.

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