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Determine if MongoDB C++ interface connection is open

Since R2021b


i = isopen(conn) returns 1 if the MongoDB® connection is open and 0 if it is closed.



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Connect to MongoDB® using the MongoDB C++ interface and count the total number of documents in a collection. Then, verify the connection is closed.

Create a MongoDB connection to the database mongotest using the MongoDB C++ interface. Here, the database server dbtb01 hosts this database using port number 27017.

server = "dbtb01";
port = 27017;
dbname = "mongotest";
conn = mongoc(server,port,dbname)
conn = connection with properties:
           Database: "mongotest"
           UserName: ""
             Server: "dbtb01"
               Port: 27017
    CollectionNames: [13×1 string]

conn is the connection object that contains the MongoDB connection. The object properties contain information about the connection and the database.

  • The database name is mongotest.

  • The user name is blank.

  • The database server is dbtb01.

  • The port number is 27017.

  • This database contains 13 document collections.

Verify the MongoDB connection.

ans = logical

The database connection is successful because the isopen function returns 1. Otherwise, the database connection is closed.

Determine the number of documents in the employees collection. The collection contains seven documents.

collection = "employees";
n = count(conn,collection)
n = int64

Close the MongoDB connection.


Verify the MongoDB connection is closed.

ans = logical

Input Arguments

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MongoDB C++ interface connection, specified as a connection object.

Version History

Introduced in R2021b