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Money.Net Web Socket Interface

Current, intraday, historical, real-time, and news data from Money.Net using Money.Net web socket interface

With a connection to Money.Net using the Money.Net web socket interface, retrieve current, intraday, historical, and real-time market data. You can also retrieve current and real-time Money.Net news stories.


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moneynetwsCreate Money.Net web socket interface connection (Since R2021b)
closeClose Money.Net connection (Since R2021b)
isconnectionDetermine if Money.Net web socket interface connection is valid (Since R2021b)
getdataRetrieve Money.Net current data (Since R2021b)
getsubscriptionsRetrieve Money.Net subscribed symbols and event handler functions (Since R2021b)
newsSearch and stream Money.Net latest news stories (Since R2021b)
optionchainRetrieve Money.Net option symbols (Since R2021b)
realtimeRetrieve Money.Net real-time data (Since R2021b)
stopUnsubscribe Money.Net real-time data updates (Since R2021b)
timeseriesRetrieve Money.Net intraday and historical data (Since R2021b)


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