Create Money.Net web socket interface connection c using a user name
and password.
username = "";
pwd = "999999";
c = moneynetws(username,pwd);
Subscribe to the symbols IBM® and Google® for real-time data updates using the Money.Net connection
symbols = ["IBM""GOOG"];
The default event handler function processes real-time data
Unsubscribe from all symbol subscriptions.
The default event handler function stops processing all real-time data
updates. For details about the event handler function, see realtime.
Close the Money.Net web socket interface connection.
Unsubscribe Real-Time Data Updates for One Symbol
Create Money.Net web socket interface connection c using a user name
and password.
username = "";
pwd = "999999";
c = moneynetws(username,pwd);
Subscribe to the symbols IBM and Google for real-time data updates using the Money.Net connection
symbols = ["IBM""GOOG"];
The default event handler function processes real-time data
Unsubscribe from real-time data updates for IBM only.
symbol = "IBM";
The default event handler function stops processing real-time data updates
for IBM. The real-time data updates continue for Google only. For details about the event handler function, see
Close the Money.Net web socket interface connection.
c — Money.Net web socket interface connection moneynetws object
Money.Net web socket interface connection, specified as a moneynetws
object created using the moneynetws function.
symbols — Money.Net symbol list character vector | cell array of character vectors | string scalar | string array
Money.Net symbol list, specified as a character vector, cell array of
character vectors, string scalar, or a string array. To specify one symbol,
use a character vector or string scalar. To specify multiple symbols, use a
cell array of character vectors or a string array.
You clicked a link that corresponds to this MATLAB command:
Run the command by entering it in the MATLAB Command Window.
Web browsers do not support MATLAB commands.
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