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Modify attribute description in label definition creator object for multisignal workflow

Since R2020a


editAttributeDescription(ldc,labelName,attributeName,description) modifies the description of an attribute under the label or sublabel identified by labelName. The label or sublabel must be associated with the labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal object ldc.



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Create an empty labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal object.

ldc = labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal;

Add a label called 'TrafficLight'.


Add a sublabel named 'RedLight' for label 'TrafficLight'.


Add an attribute named 'Active' to the label 'TrafficLight'. Set the attribute type as 'Logical' with the default value true.


Add an attribute called 'isOn' to the sublabel 'RedLight'. Set the attribute type as 'Logical' with the default value false.


Modify the Attribute Description Under a Label

Display information about the label 'TrafficLight'.

           Name: "TrafficLight"
     SignalType: Image
      LabelType: Rectangle
          Group: "None"
     LabelColor: {''}
     Attributes: "Active"
      Sublabels: "RedLight"
    Description: ' '

           Name: "TrafficLight"
     SignalType: PointCloud
      LabelType: Cuboid
          Group: "None"
     LabelColor: {''}
     Attributes: "Active"
      Sublabels: "RedLight"
    Description: ' '

Modify the description of the attribute 'Active' under the label 'TrafficLight'.

editAttributeDescription(ldc,'TrafficLight','Active','Is Active: true (DefaultValue: 1), false (DefaultValue: 0)')

Display information about the label 'TrafficLight' to verify the modified attribute description.

            Name: "Active"
            Type: Logical
    DefaultValue: 1
     Description: 'Is Active: true (DefaultValue: 1), false (DefaultValue: 0)'

Modify the Attribute Description Under a Sublabel

Display information about the sublabel 'RedLight'.

           Name: "RedLight"
           Type: Rectangle
     LabelColor: ''
     Attributes: "isOn"
      Sublabels: []
    Description: ' '

Modify the description of the attribute 'isOn' under the sublabel 'RedLight'.

editAttributeDescription(ldc,'TrafficLight/RedLight','isOn','Is On: true (DefaultValue: 1), false (DefaultValue: 0)')

Display information about the sublabel 'RedLight' to verify the modified attribute description.

            Name: "isOn"
            Type: Logical
    DefaultValue: 0
     Description: 'Is On: true (DefaultValue: 1), false (DefaultValue: 0)'

Input Arguments

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Label definition creator for the multisignal workflow, specified as a labelDefinitionCreatorMultisignal object.

Label or sublabel name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that uniquely identifies the label or sublabel to which the attribute is associated.

  • To specify a label, use the form 'labelName'.

Example: editAttributeDescription(ldc,'TrafficLight','Active','Is Active: true (DefaultValue: 1), false (DefaultValue: 0)')

  • To specify a sublabel, use the form 'labelName/sublabelName'. In this case, the attribute is associated with the sublabel.

Example: editAttributeDescription(ldc,'TrafficLight/RedLight','isOn','Is On: true (DefaultValue: 1), false (DefaultValue: 0)')

Attribute name, specified as a character vector or string scalar that identifies the attribute for which the description is to be modified.

Description, specified as a character vector or string scalar that contains a new description for the attribute identified by attributeName.

Version History

Introduced in R2020a

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