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Create stencil marking in RoadRunner HD Map using MATLAB

Since R2024b


    A roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking object enables you to define a stencil marking in a RoadRunner HD Map scene model.



    stencilMarking = roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking creates an empty stencil marking.

    stencilMarking = roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking(Name=Value) sets the properties of the stencil marking using one or more name-value arguments. For example, ID="StencilMarking1" sets the ID of the stencil marking element to "StencilMarking1" .



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    ID of the stencil marking element, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

    Example: rrMap.StencilMarkings= roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking(ID="StencilMarking1") creates a curve marking with ID "StencilMarking1" in a RoadRunner HD Map.

    Data Types: char | string

    Geometry of the stencil marking, specified as a GeoOrientedBoundingBox (RoadRunner) message. Stencil markings fit within an oriented bounding box. Scale stencil markings to fit the bounds and then rotate them. See the GeoOrientation3 (RoadRunner) message for more information on how to handle rotation of objects.

    Data Types: vector

    Type of stencil marking, specified as a roadrunner.hdmap.Reference object.

    User-defined ancillary data, specified as a roadrunner.hdmap.Metadata object or a vector of roadrunner.hdmap.Metadata objects. Use a vector of roadrunner.hdmap.Metadata objects to assign multiple user-defined parameters to a stencil marking object.


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    Create an empty RoadRunner HD Map as a default roadrunnerHDMap object.

    rrMap = roadrunnerHDMap
    rrMap = 
      roadrunnerHDMap with properties:
                     Author: ""
               GeoReference: [0 0]
         GeographicBoundary: []
                      Lanes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Lane]
                SpeedLimits: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.SpeedLimit]
             LaneBoundaries: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneBoundary]
                 LaneGroups: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneGroup]
               LaneMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneMarking]
                  Junctions: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Junction]
               BarrierTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.BarrierType]
                   Barriers: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Barrier]
                  SignTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.SignType]
                      Signs: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Sign]
          StaticObjectTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StaticObjectType]
              StaticObjects: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StaticObject]
        StencilMarkingTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarkingType]
            StencilMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking]
          CurveMarkingTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarkingType]
              CurveMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarking]

    Create a stencil marking by using a roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking object. Specify the stencil marking ID.

    rrMap.StencilMarkings = roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking(ID="StencilMarking1")
    rrMap = 
      roadrunnerHDMap with properties:
                     Author: ""
               GeoReference: [0 0]
         GeographicBoundary: []
                      Lanes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Lane]
                SpeedLimits: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.SpeedLimit]
             LaneBoundaries: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneBoundary]
                 LaneGroups: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneGroup]
               LaneMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.LaneMarking]
                  Junctions: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Junction]
               BarrierTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.BarrierType]
                   Barriers: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Barrier]
                  SignTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.SignType]
                      Signs: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.Sign]
          StaticObjectTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StaticObjectType]
              StaticObjects: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StaticObject]
        StencilMarkingTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarkingType]
            StencilMarkings: [1x1 roadrunner.hdmap.StencilMarking]
          CurveMarkingTypes: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarkingType]
              CurveMarkings: [0x1 roadrunner.hdmap.CurveMarking]

    Version History

    Introduced in R2024b

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