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Number of samples of delay introduced by buffering and unbuffering operations


d = rebuffer_delay(f,n,v)
d = rebuffer_delay(f,n,v,'mode')


d = rebuffer_delay(f,n,v) returns the delay, in samples, introduced by the Buffer or Unbuffer block in multitasking operations.

d = rebuffer_delay(f,n,v,'mode') returns the delay, in samples, introduced by the Buffer or Unbuffer block in the specified tasking mode.

Input Arguments


Frame size of the input to the Buffer or Unbuffer block.


Size of the output buffer. Specify one of the following:

  • The value of the Output buffer size parameter, if you are computing the delay introduced by a Buffer block.

  • 1, if you are computing the delay introduced by an Unbuffer block.


Amount of buffer overlap. Specify one of the following:

  • The value of the Buffer overlap parameter, if you are computing the delay introduced by a Buffer block.

  • 0, if you are computing the delay introduced by an Unbuffer block.


The tasking mode of the model. Specify one of the following options:

  • 'singletasking'

  • 'multitasking'

Default: 'multitasking'


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Compute the delay introduced by a Buffer block in a multitasking model.

Open the ex_buffer_tut4 model.

Double-click the Buffer block to open the block mask. Verify that you have the following settings:

  • Output buffer size = 3

  • Buffer overlap = 1

  • Initial conditions = 0

Based on these settings, two of the required inputs to the rebuffer_delay function are as follows:

  • n = 3

  • v = 1

To determine the frame size of the input signal to the Buffer block, open the Signal From Workspace block mask. Verify that you have the following settings:

  • Signal = sp_examples_src

  • Sample time = 1

  • Samples per frame = 4

Because Samples per frame = 4, you know the f input to the rebuffer_delay function is 4. After you verify the values of all the inputs to the rebuffer_delay function, determine the delay that the Buffer block introduces in this multitasking model. To do so, type the following at the MATLAB command line:

ans =


Compute the delay introduced by an Unbuffer block in a multitasking model.

Open the ex_unbuffer_ref1 model.

To determine the frame size of the input to the Buffer block, open the Signal From Workspace block mask by double-clicking the block in your model. Verify that you have the following settings:

  • Signal = sp_examples_src

  • Sample time = 1

  • Samples per frame = 3

Because Samples per frame = 3, you know the f input to the rebuffer_delay function is 3. Use the rebuffer_delay function to determine the amount of delay that the Unbuffer block introduces in this multitasking model. To compute the delay introduced by the Unbuffer block, use f = 3, n = 1 and v = 0.

ans =


More About

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When you run a model in MultiTasking mode, Simulink® processes groups of blocks with the same execution priority through each stage of simulation based on task priority. Multitasking mode helps to create valid models of real-world multitasking systems, where sections of your model represent concurrent tasks. The Treat each discrete rate as a separate task parameter on the Solver (Simulink) pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box controls this setting.


When you run a model in SingleTasking mode, Simulink processes all blocks through each stage of simulation together. The Treat each discrete rate as a separate task parameter on the Solver (Simulink) pane of the Configuration Parameters dialog box controls this setting.

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using MATLAB® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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