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Get Started with Embedded Coder

Generate C and C++ code optimized for embedded systems

Embedded Coder® generates readable, compact, and fast C and C++ code for embedded processors used in mass production. It extends MATLAB® Coder™ and Simulink® Coder with advanced optimizations for precise control of the generated functions, files, and data. These optimizations improve code efficiency and facilitate integration with legacy code, data types, and calibration parameters. You can incorporate a third-party development tool to build an executable for turnkey deployment on your embedded system or rapid prototyping board.

Embedded Coder offers built-in support for AUTOSAR, MISRA C™, and ASAP2 software standards. It also provides traceability reports, code documentation, and automated software verification to support DO178, IEC 61508, and ISO 26262 software development. Embedded Coder code is portable, and can be compiled and executed on any processor. In addition, it offers support packages with advanced optimizations and device drivers for specific hardware.


About Code Generation for Embedded Systems

Featured Examples


How to Generate Production Code in 5 Minutes
Quickly generate code based on your high-level project requirements.

Embedded Coder Data, Function, and File Customization
Assign default definitions, storage classes, and memory sections to classes of data such as inputs, outputs, and parameters.

Dynamic Code Verification and Analysis: SIL, PIL, and External Mode
Verify, tune, log, and calibrate generated code by using software-in-the-loop, processor-in-the-loop, and external mode techniques.

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