Parametric Models
Creating Brownian Motion (BM) Models
The Brownian Motion (BM) model (bm
) derives directly from the linear
drift (sdeld
) model:
Example: BM Models
Create a univariate Brownian motion (bm
) object to represent the model
using bm
obj = bm(0, 0.3) % (A = Mu, Sigma)
obj = Class BM: Brownian Motion ---------------------------------------- Dimensions: State = 1, Brownian = 1 ---------------------------------------- StartTime: 0 StartState: 0 Correlation: 1 Drift: drift rate function F(t,X(t)) Diffusion: diffusion rate function G(t,X(t)) Simulation: simulation method/function simByEuler Mu: 0 Sigma: 0.3
objects display the parameter A
the more familiar Mu
The bm
object also provides an overloaded Euler simulation method that
improves run-time performance in certain common situations. This specialized method
is invoked automatically only if all the following conditions
are met:
The expected drift, or trend, rate
is a column vector.The volatility rate,
, is a matrix.No end-of-period adjustments and/or processes are made.
If specified, the random noise process
is a three-dimensional array.If
is unspecified, the assumed Gaussian correlation structure is a double matrix.
Creating Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) Models
The Constant Elasticity of Variance (CEV) model (cev
) also derives directly from the
linear drift (sdeld
) model:
The cev
object constrains
A to an NVars
vector of zeros. D is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the
corresponding element of the state vector X, raised to an
exponent α(t).
Example: Univariate CEV Models
Create a univariate cev
object to represent the model using
obj = cev(0.25, 0.5, 0.3) % (B = Return, Alpha, Sigma)
obj = Class CEV: Constant Elasticity of Variance ------------------------------------------ Dimensions: State = 1, Brownian = 1 ------------------------------------------ StartTime: 0 StartState: 1 Correlation: 1 Drift: drift rate function F(t,X(t)) Diffusion: diffusion rate function G(t,X(t)) Simulation: simulation method/function simByEuler Return: 0.25 Alpha: 0.5 Sigma: 0.3
and gbm
objects display the parameter
as the more familiar Return
Creating Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) Models
The Geometric Brownian Motion (GBM) model (gbm
) derives directly from the CEV (cev
) model:
Compared to the cev
object, a gbm
object constrains all elements of the alpha
exponent vector to one such that D is now a diagonal matrix with
the state vector X along the main diagonal.
The gbm
object also provides two simulation
methods that can be used by separable models:
An overloaded Euler simulation method that improves run-time performance in certain common situations. This specialized method is invoked automatically only if all the following conditions are true:
The expected rate of return (
) is a diagonal matrix.The volatility rate (
) is a matrix.No end-of-period adjustments/processes are made.
If specified, the random noise process
is a three-dimensional array.If
is unspecified, the assumed Gaussian correlation structure is a double matrix.
An approximate analytic solution (
) obtained by applying a Euler approach to the transformed (using Ito's formula) logarithmic process. In general, this is not the exact solution to this GBM model, as the probability distributions of the simulated and true state vectors are identical only for piecewise constant parameters. If the model parameters are piecewise constant over each observation period, the state vector Xt is lognormally distributed and the simulated process is exact for the observation times at which Xt is sampled.
Example: Univariate GBM Models
Create a univariate gbm
object to represent the model using
obj = gbm(0.25, 0.3) % (B = Return, Sigma)
obj = Class GBM: Generalized Geometric Brownian Motion ------------------------------------------------ Dimensions: State = 1, Brownian = 1 ------------------------------------------------ StartTime: 0 StartState: 1 Correlation: 1 Drift: drift rate function F(t,X(t)) Diffusion: diffusion rate function G(t,X(t)) Simulation: simulation method/function simByEuler Return: 0.25 Sigma: 0.3
Creating Stochastic Differential Equations from Mean-Reverting Drift (SDEMRD) Models
The sdemrd
object derives directly from
the sdeddo
object. It provides an
interface in which the drift-rate function is expressed in mean-reverting drift
objects provide a parametric
alternative to the linear drift form by reparameterizing the general linear drift
such that:
Example: SDEMRD Models
Create an sdemrd
object using sdemrd
with a square root
exponent to represent the model:
obj = sdemrd(0.2, 0.1, 0.5, 0.05)
obj = Class SDEMRD: SDE with Mean-Reverting Drift ------------------------------------------- Dimensions: State = 1, Brownian = 1 ------------------------------------------- StartTime: 0 StartState: 1 Correlation: 1 Drift: drift rate function F(t,X(t)) Diffusion: diffusion rate function G(t,X(t)) Simulation: simulation method/function simByEuler Alpha: 0.5 Sigma: 0.05 Level: 0.1 Speed: 0.2
% (Speed, Level, Alpha, Sigma)
objects display the familiar Speed
and Level
parameters instead of A
Creating Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) Square Root Diffusion Models
The Cox-Ingersoll-Ross (CIR) short-rate object, cir
, derives directly from the SDE
with mean-reverting drift (sdemrd
) class:
where D is a diagonal matrix whose elements are the square root of the corresponding element of the state vector.
Example: CIR Models
Create a cir
object using cir
to represent the same model
as in Example: SDEMRD Models:
obj = cir(0.2, 0.1, 0.05) % (Speed, Level, Sigma)
obj = Class CIR: Cox-Ingersoll-Ross ---------------------------------------- Dimensions: State = 1, Brownian = 1 ---------------------------------------- StartTime: 0 StartState: 1 Correlation: 1 Drift: drift rate function F(t,X(t)) Diffusion: diffusion rate function G(t,X(t)) Simulation: simulation method/function simByEuler Sigma: 0.05 Level: 0.1 Speed: 0.2
Although the last two objects are of different classes, they represent the
same mathematical model. They differ in that you create the cir
object by specifying only
three input arguments. This distinction is reinforced by the fact that the
parameter does not display – it is defined to be
Creating Hull-White/Vasicek (HWV) Gaussian Diffusion Models
The Hull-White/Vasicek (HWV) short-rate object, hwv
, derives directly from SDE with
mean-reverting drift (sdemrd
) class:
Example: HWV Models
Using the same parameters as in the previous example, create an
object using hwv
to represent the model:
obj = hwv(0.2, 0.1, 0.05) % (Speed, Level, Sigma)
obj = Class HWV: Hull-White/Vasicek ---------------------------------------- Dimensions: State = 1, Brownian = 1 ---------------------------------------- StartTime: 0 StartState: 1 Correlation: 1 Drift: drift rate function F(t,X(t)) Diffusion: diffusion rate function G(t,X(t)) Simulation: simulation method/function simByEuler Sigma: 0.05 Level: 0.1 Speed: 0.2
and hwv
share the same interface and
display methods. The only distinction is that cir
and hwv
model objects constrain
exponents to 1/2
, respectively. Furthermore, the hwv
object also provides an
additional method that simulates approximate analytic solutions (simBySolution
) of separable
models. This method simulates the state vector
Xt using an approximation of
the closed-form solution of diagonal drift HWV
models. Each
element of the state vector Xt is
expressed as the sum of NBrowns
correlated Gaussian random
draws added to a deterministic time-variable drift.
When evaluating expressions, all model parameters are assumed piecewise
constant over each simulation period. In general, this is
not the exact solution to this hwv
model, because the probability distributions of the simulated and true state
vectors are identical only for piecewise constant
parameters. If S(t,Xt),
L(t,Xt), and
V(t,Xt) are piecewise constant
over each observation period, the state vector
Xt is normally distributed,
and the simulated process is exact for the observation times at which
Xt is sampled.
Hull-White vs. Vasicek Models
Many references differentiate between Vasicek models and Hull-White models.
Where such distinctions are made, Vasicek parameters are constrained to be
constants, while Hull-White parameters vary deterministically with time. Think
of Vasicek models in this context as constant-coefficient Hull-White models and
equivalently, Hull-White models as time-varying Vasicek models. However, from an
architectural perspective, the distinction between static and dynamic parameters
is trivial. Since both models share the same general parametric specification as
previously described, a single hwv
object encompasses the
Creating Heston Stochastic Volatility Models
The Heston (heston
) object derives directly from
SDE from the Drift and Diffusion (sdeddo
) class. Each Heston model is a
bivariate composite model, consisting of two coupled univariate models:
(1) |
(2) |
are typically used to price
equity options.Example: Heston Models
Create a heston
object using heston
to represent the model:
obj = heston (0.1, 0.2, 0.1, 0.05)
obj = Class HESTON: Heston Bivariate Stochastic Volatility ---------------------------------------------------- Dimensions: State = 2, Brownian = 2 ---------------------------------------------------- StartTime: 0 StartState: 1 (2x1 double array) Correlation: 2x2 diagonal double array Drift: drift rate function F(t,X(t)) Diffusion: diffusion rate function G(t,X(t)) Simulation: simulation method/function simByEuler Return: 0.1 Speed: 0.2 Level: 0.1 Volatility: 0.05
See Also
| bm
| gbm
| merton
| bates
| drift
| diffusion
| sdeddo
| sdeld
| cev
| cir
| heston
| hwv
| sdemrd
| rvm
| roughbergomi
| ts2func
| simulate
| simByEuler
| simByQuadExp
| simBySolution
| simBySolution
| interpolate