Aritmética de punto fijo
La aritmética de punto fijo se refiere a cómo se opera con palabras binarias con o sin signo. La simplicidad de las funciones aritméticas de punto fijo, como la suma y la resta, permite implementaciones en hardware rentables.
- Fixed-Point Arithmetic
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, casts, modulo, and two’s complement arithmetic.
- Rules for Arithmetic Operations
Rules that the Simulink® software follows when arithmetic operations are performed on inputs and parameters.
- Shifts
Bit-shift operations for integers.
- Conversions and Arithmetic Operations
Example highlighting how the data types are converted and arithmetic operations are performed on inputs and parameters in the Simulink software.
- The Summation Process
Addition of n-bit numbers in the Simulink software.
- The Multiplication Process
Multiplication of n-bit binary numbers with m-bit binary numbers in the Simulink software.
- The Division Process
Integer division for fixed-point data types in the Simulink software.
- fimath Properties Usage for Fixed-Point Arithmetic
Fixed-point arithmetic using
objects to control the results.