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Operaciones con matrices de punto fijo en MATLAB

Optimización de operaciones matemáticas de punto fijo, solvers de matrices y funciones de descomposición de matrices para un código eficiente

Utilice estas funciones para realizar operaciones matemáticas y con matrices de punto fijo y generar código eficiente. Estas funciones resuelven sistemas de ecuaciones lineales y realizan descomposiciones de matrices de forma eficiente para los dispositivos embebidos.


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ceilDivRound the result of division toward positive infinity (desde R2021a)
fixed.cordicDivideFixed-point divide using CORDIC (desde R2020b)
fixed.cordicReciprocalFixed-point reciprocal using CORDIC (desde R2021b)
fixDivRound the result of division toward zero (desde R2021a)
floorDivRound the result of division toward negative infinity (desde R2021a)
nearestDivRound the result of division toward the nearest integer (desde R2021a)
modByConstantModulus after division by a constant denominator (desde R2021a)
fixed.backwardSubstituteSolve upper-triangular system of equations through backward substitution (desde R2020b)
fixed.forwardSubstituteSolve lower-triangular system of equations through forward substitution (desde R2020b)
fixed.jacobiSVDFixed-point Jacobi singular value decomposition (desde R2023a)
fixed.qlessQRQ-less QR decomposition (desde R2020b)
fixed.qlessQRUpdateUpdate QR factorization (desde R2020b)
fixed.qrABCompute C = Q'B and upper-triangular factor R (desde R2020b)
fixed.qrMatrixSolveSolve system of linear equations Ax = B for x using QR decomposition (desde R2020b)
fixed.qlessQRMatrixSolveSolve system of linear equations (A'A)X = B for X using Q-less QR decomposition (desde R2020b)
fixed.svdFixed-point Golub-Kahan-Reinsch singular value decomposition (desde R2022b)
svdFixed-point Golub-Kahan-Reinsch singular value decomposition (desde R2022b)
fixed.qrFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for transforming A and R and B to C=Q'B in-place, where QR=A is QR decomposition of A (desde R2021b)
fixed.qlessqrFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for transforming A to R in-place, where R is upper-triangular factor of QR decomposition of A, without computing Q (desde R2021b)
fixed.realQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of real-valued AX=B using QR decomposition (desde R2021b)
fixed.complexQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of complex-valued AX=B using QR decomposition (desde R2021b)
fixed.realQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of real-valued A'AX=B using QR decomposition (desde R2021b)
fixed.complexQlessQRMatrixSolveFixedpointTypesDetermine fixed-point types for matrix solution of complex-valued A'AX=B using QR decomposition (desde R2021b)
fixed.realSingularValueLowerBoundEstimate lower bound for smallest singular value of real-valued matrix (desde R2021b)
fixed.complexSingularValueLowerBoundEstimate lower bound for smallest singular value of complex-valued matrix (desde R2021b)
fixed.singularValueUpperBoundUpper bound of largest singular value of matrix (desde R2022b)
fixed.realConditionNumberUpperBoundEstimate of upper bound for 2-norm condition number of real-valued matrix (desde R2022b)
fixed.complexConditionNumberUpperBoundEstimate of upper bound for 2-norm condition number of complex-valued matrix (desde R2022b)
fixed.forgettingFactorCompute forgetting factor required for streaming input data (desde R2021b)
fixed.forgettingFactorInverseCompute the inverse of the forgetting factor required for streaming input data (desde R2021b)
fixed.realQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviationEstimate standard deviation of quantization noise of real-valued signal (desde R2021b)
fixed.complexQuantizationNoiseStandardDeviationEstimate standard deviation of quantization noise of complex-valued signal (desde R2021b)
