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Define interval of values


A fixed.Interval object defines an interval of real-world values. Use the Interval object to specify a range of values in a fixed.DataSpecification object.



interval = fixed.Interval creates a unit interval, [0,1].


interval = fixed.Interval(a) creates a degenerate interval, containing only the value a.


interval = fixed.Interval(a, b) creates a closed interval from a to b.

interval = fixed.Interval(a, b, endnotes) creates an interval from a to b, with the endnotes argument specifying whether the interval is open or closed.


interval = fixed.Interval(a, b, Name, Value) creates an interval from a to b with the IsLeftClosed and IsRightClosed properties specified as Name, Value pair arguments.

interval = fixed.Interval(numerictype) creates an interval or array of intervals with end points equal to the minimum and maximum representable values of the specified numeric type.


interval = fixed.Interval({___}, ...,{___}) returns an array of Interval objects, where each cell array specifies the arguments for one or more of the objects.


Input Arguments

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Left endpoint of interval, specified as a scalar or vector.

Right endpoint of interval, specified as a scalar or vector.

Argument indicating whether the interval is closed, open, or half-open, specified as one of the following character vectors.

'[]'Generates a closed set, which includes both of its endpoints.
'[)'Generates a half-open interval, in which the first endpoint is included, but the second is not included in the set.
'(]'Generates a half-open interval, in which the first endpoint is not included, but the second is included in the set.
'()'Generates an open set, in which neither endpoint is included in the set.

Example: interval = fixed.Interval(1, 10, '()');

Numeric data type whose range of representable values defines the Interval object, specified as a Simulink.Numerictype object, an embedded.numerictype object, or a character vector representing a numeric data type, for example, 'single'.

When numerictype is 'double', 'single', or 'half', the output Interval object is an array of 4 Interval objects with intervals [-Inf], [Inf], [NaN], and [-realmax, realmax]. For more information on representable values of a data type, see realmax.

Example: interval = fixed.Interval('fixdt(1,16,8)');


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Left endpoint of interval, specified as a scalar.

This property cannot be edited after object creation.

Data Types: half | single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical | fi

Right endpoint of interval, specified as a scalar.

This property cannot be edited after object creation.

Data Types: half | single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | logical | fi

Whether the left end of the interval is closed, specified as a logical value.

This property cannot be edited after object creation.

Data Types: logical

Whether the right end of the interval is closed, specified as a logical value.

This property cannot be edited after object creation.

Data Types: logical

Object Functions

containsDetermine if one fixed.Interval object contains another
intersectIntersection of fixed.Interval objects
isDegenerateDetermine whether the left and right ends of a fixed.Interval object are degenerate
isLeftBoundedDetermine whether a fixed.Interval object is left-bounded
isRightBoundedDetermine whether a fixed.Interval object is right-bounded
isnanDetermine whether a fixed.Interval object is NaN
overlapsDetermine if two fixed.Interval objects overlap
quantizeQuantize interval to range of numeric data type
setdiffSet difference of fixed.Interval objects
unionUnion of fixed.Interval objects
uniqueGet set of unique values in fixed.Interval object


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Create an Interval object with default property values. When you do not specify endpoint values, the Interval object uses endpoints 0 and 1.

interval = fixed.Interval()
interval = 

  1x1 fixed.Interval with properties:

              LeftEnd: 0
             RightEnd: 1
         IsLeftClosed: true
        IsRightClosed: true

Create a degenerate interval, containing only a single point.

interval = fixed.Interval(pi)
interval = 

  1x1 fixed.Interval with properties:

              LeftEnd: 3.1416
             RightEnd: 3.1416
         IsLeftClosed: true
        IsRightClosed: true

This is equivalent to creating an interval with two equivalent endpoints.

interval = fixed.Interval(pi, pi)
interval = 

  1x1 fixed.Interval with properties:

              LeftEnd: 3.1416
             RightEnd: 3.1416
         IsLeftClosed: true
        IsRightClosed: true

Specify end notes for an interval to create an open interval.

interval = fixed.Interval(-1, 1,'()') %#ok<*NASGU> 
interval = 

  1x1 fixed.Interval with properties:

              LeftEnd: -1
             RightEnd: 1
         IsLeftClosed: false
        IsRightClosed: false

To create an interval that includes the first endpoint, but not the second, specify the end notes as '[)'.

interval = fixed.Interval(-1, 1,'[)')
interval = 

  1x1 fixed.Interval with properties:

              LeftEnd: -1
             RightEnd: 1
         IsLeftClosed: true
        IsRightClosed: false

When you specify a numeric data type in the constructor of the fixed.Interval object, the range of the interval is set to the range of the data type.

Create an interval with the range of an int8 data type.

interval_int8 = fixed.Interval('int8')
interval_int8 = 

  1x1 fixed.Interval with properties:

              LeftEnd: -128
             RightEnd: 127
         IsLeftClosed: true
        IsRightClosed: true

You can also specify a Simulink.NumericType to create an interval with the same range as the range representable by the NumericType object.

myNumericType = Simulink.NumericType;
myNumericType.DataTypeMode = "Fixed-point: binary point scaling";
myNumericType.Signedness = 'Unsigned';
myNumericType.WordLength = 16;
myNumericType.FractionLength = 14
myNumericType = 
  NumericType with properties:

      DataTypeMode: 'Fixed-point: binary point scaling'
        Signedness: 'Unsigned'
        WordLength: 16
    FractionLength: 14
           IsAlias: 0
         DataScope: 'Auto'
        HeaderFile: ''
       Description: ''

interval_16_14 = fixed.Interval(myNumericType)
interval_16_14 = 

  1x1 fixed.Interval with properties:

              LeftEnd: 0
             RightEnd: 3.9999
         IsLeftClosed: true
        IsRightClosed: true

To create an array of fixed.Interval objects, in the constructor of the Interval object, you can specify a series of cell arrays, each of which contain the arguments of an Interval object.

intervalarray = fixed.Interval({-1,1},{5,10,'[)'},...
intervalarray = 
    [-1,1]    [5,10)    [1000,1500)    [-128,127]

  1x4 fixed.Interval with properties:


Version History

Introduced in R2019b

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