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Visualization and Analytics

Multi-object theater plots, detection and object tracks, and track metrics

Use theaterPlot to plot ground truth, coverages, detections, and tracks. Get error metrics for tracks using trackErrorMetrics. Analyze and compare performance of multi-object tracking systems using trackAssignmentMetrics, trackOSPAMetric, and trackGOSPAMetric.


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theaterPlotPlot objects, detections, and tracks in Scenario
trackingGlobeViewerVirtual globe for tracking scenario visualization (Since R2021b)
addCustomTerrainAdd custom terrain data (Since R2022a)
removeCustomTerrainRemove custom terrain data (Since R2022a)
poseplot3-D pose plot (Since R2021b)
PosePatch PropertiesPose plot appearance and behavior (Since R2021b)
timescopeDisplay time-domain signals (Since R2020a)
trackAssignmentMetricsTrack establishment, maintenance, and deletion metrics
trackErrorMetricsTrack error and NEES
trackOSPAMetricOptimal subpattern assignment (OSPA) metric
trackGOSPAMetricGeneralized optimal subpattern assignment (GOSPA) metric (Since R2020a)
trackCLEARMetricsCLEAR multi-object tracking metrics (Since R2023a)
allanvarAllan variance
magcalMagnetometer calibration coefficients


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Generalized Optimal Subpattern Assignment MetricCalculate Generalized Optimal Subpattern Assignment Metric (Since R2021a)
Optimal Subpattern Assignment MetricCalculate Optimal Subpattern Assignment Metric (Since R2021a)


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