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Enabled Synchronous Subsystem

Represent enabled subsystem that has synchronous reset and enable behavior

  • Enabled Synchronous Subsystem block

HDL Coder / HDL Subsystems


An Enabled Synchronous Subsystem is an Enabled Subsystem that uses the Synchronous mode of the State Control block. If an S symbol appears in the subsystem, then it is synchronous.

To create an Enabled Synchronous Subsystem block, add the block to your Simulink® model from the HDL Subsystems block library. You can also add a State Control block with State control set to Synchronous inside an Enabled subsystem.

For more information, see State Control and Using Enabled Subsystems.



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See Inport for information on the data types accepted by a subsystem's input ports.

For more information, see Data Types Supported by Simulink in the Simulink documentation.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | bus


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See Outport for information on the data types output by a subsystem's output ports.

For more information, see Data Types Supported by Simulink in the Simulink documentation.

Data Types: single | double | int8 | int16 | int32 | int64 | uint8 | uint16 | uint32 | uint64 | Boolean | fixed point | enumerated | bus


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Select how to display port labels on the Synchronous Subsystem block icon.


Do not display port labels.


If the corresponding port icon displays a signal name, display the signal name on the Subsystem block. Otherwise, display the port block name or the port number if the block name is a default name.


Display the name of the corresponding port block on the Subsystem block.


If the signal connected to the port is named, display the name of the signal on the Subsystem block. Otherwise, display the name of the corresponding port block.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: ShowPortLabels
Type: character vector
Value: 'FromPortIcon' | 'FromPortBlockName' | 'SignalName' | 'none'
Default: 'FromPortIcon'

Control user access to the contents of the subsystem.


Default: ReadWrite


Enables opening and modification of subsystem contents.


Enables opening but not modification of the subsystem. If the subsystem resides in a block library, you can create and open links to the subsystem and can make and modify local copies of the subsystem but cannot change the permissions or modify the contents of the original library instance.


Disables opening or modification of subsystem. If the subsystem resides in a library, you can create links to the subsystem in a model but cannot open, modify, change permissions, or create local copies of the subsystem.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: Permissions
Type: character vector
Value: 'ReadWrite' | 'ReadOnly' | 'NoReadOrWrite'
Default: 'ReadWrite'

Enter name of a function to be called if an error occurs while Simulink software is executing the subsystem.

Simulink software passes two arguments to the function: the handle of the subsystem and a character vector that specifies the error type. If no function is specified, Simulink software displays a generic error message if executing the subsystem causes an error.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: ErrorFcn
Type: character vector
Value: '' | '<function name>'
Default: ''

Select whether to resolve names of workspace variables referenced by this subsystem.

For more information, see Symbol Resolution and Symbol Resolution Process.


Resolve all names of workspace variables used by this subsystem, including those used to specify block parameter values and Simulink data objects (for example, Simulink.Signal objects).


Resolve only names of workspace variables used to specify block parameter values, data store memory (where no block exists), signals, and states marked as “must resolve”.


Do not resolve workspace variable names.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: PermitHierarchicalResolution
Type: character vector
Value: 'All' | 'ExplicitOnly' | 'None'
Default: 'All'

Select the code format to be generated for an atomic (nonvirtual) subsystem.


Simulink Coder™ chooses the optimal format for you based on the type and number of instances of the subsystem that exist in the model.


Simulink Coder inlines the subsystem unconditionally.

Nonreusable function

Simulink Coder software explicitly generates a separate function in a separate file. Subsystems with this setting generate functions that might have arguments depending on the Function interface parameter setting. You can name the generated function and file using parameters Function name and File name (no extension). These functions are not reentrant.

Reusable function

Simulink Coder software generates a function with arguments that allows reuse of subsystem code when a model includes multiple instances of the subsystem.

This option also generates a function with arguments that allows subsystem code to be reused in the generated code of a model reference hierarchy that includes multiple instances of a subsystem across referenced models. In this case, the subsystem must be in a library.

Programmatic Use

Parameter: RTWSystemCode
Type: character vector
Value: 'Auto' | 'Inline' | 'Nonreusable function' | 'Reusable function'
Default: 'Auto'

Extended Capabilities

C/C++ Code Generation
Generate C and C++ code using Simulink® Coder™.

Version History

Introduced in R2016a

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