Model Configuration Parameters: Report
The Report category enables you to customize the code generation reports. The report contains information about the generated code such as:
Resource utilization estimates
Timing estimates
The impact of HDL Coder optimizations
Links tracing code to Simulink blocks
These configuration parameters appear in the Configuration Parameters > HDL Code Generation > Report category.
Parameter | Description |
Generate traceability report | Report with hyperlinks to code to model and model to code. |
Traceability style | Designation of line-level or comment-based traceability. |
Generate model Web view | Web view to navigate between code and model. |
Generate resource utilization report | Generate HTML resource utilization report. |
Generate optimization report | Generate HTML optimization report. |
Generate high-level timing critical path report | Generate a report that shows estimated critical path in models. |
Custom Timing Database Directory | Path to load custom timing. |
The Configuration Parameters dialog box also includes other code generation parameters: