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Configure Synthesis Project Using Tcl Script

You can add a Tcl script that configures your synthesis project.

To configure your synthesis project using a Tcl script:

  1. Create a Tcl script that contains commands to customize your synthesis project.

    For example, to specify the finite state machine style:

    • For Xilinx® ISE, create a Tcl script that contains the following line:

      project set "FSM Encoding Algorithm" "Gray" -process "Synthesize - XST" 

    • For Xilinx Vivado®, create a Tcl script that contains the following line:

      set_property STEPS.SYNTH_DESIGN.ARGS.FSM_EXTRACTION gray [get_runs synth_1]

  2. In the HDL Workflow Advisor, in the FPGA Synthesis and Analysis > Create Project task, in the Additional source files field, enter the full path to the Tcl file manually, or by using the Add button.

When HDL Coder™ creates the project, the Tcl script is executed to apply the synthesis project settings.

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