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Generate Parameterized Code for Referenced Models

To generate parameterized code for referenced models, use model arguments. You can use model arguments in a masked or unmasked Model block.

HDL Coder™ generates a single VHDL® entity, Verilog® or SystemVerilog module for the referenced model, even if the DUT has multiple instances of the referenced model. In the generated code, each model argument is a VHDL generic or a Verilog or SystemVerilog parameter.

Parameterize Referenced Model for HDL Code Generation

  1. In the referenced model, create one or more model arguments.

    To learn how to create a model argument, see Specify a Different Value for Each Instance of a Reusable Model.

  2. In the referenced model, use each model argument parameter in a Gain or Constant block.

  3. In the DUT, for each model reference, in the Model arguments table, enter values for each model argument.

    Alternatively, create a model mask for the referenced model. In the DUT, for each model reference, enter values for each model argument.

  4. Generate code for the DUT.


Model argument values:

  • Must be scalar.

  • Cannot be complex.

  • Cannot be enumerated data.

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