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Pipelining of for-Loops

Pipelining allows concurrent execution of multiple iterations. The next iteration of a loop can begin execution before the previous iteration completes its execution. Pipelining optimises the execution speed and improves the throughput of the code at the expense of increased resources.

In MATLAB® you can pipeline for-loops by using coder.hdl.loopspec(‘pipeline’) or coder.hdl.loopspec(‘pipeline’,initiation_interval).

To understand the concept of pipelining of for-loops, consider the following MATLAB code. It consists of a for-loop and a persistent array arr, mapped to RAM during code generation.

for i = 1:20​
    tmp = fi((a + b) * c + tmp, 0, 32, 0, hdlfimath);​
    arr(i) = tmp;​

  • Non-pipelined for-loop

    In a non-pipelined loop, all the iterations of the for-loop are scheduled serially. The next iteration executes after the previous iteration completes its execution. Also, there is no overlap in the execution of the iterations in a non-pipelined loop. The following diagram shows the schedule of a non-pipelined for-loop.

    Non-pipelined for-loop schedule

  • Pipelined for-loop

    In a pipelined loop, the next iteration start its execution with a gap of an initiation interval. This can lead to overlap in the execution of the iterations. The initiation interval represents the number of clock cycles before the start of the next iteration of the for-loop. The following diagram shows the schedule of a pipelined for-loop with an initiation interval of 1.

    Pipelined for-loop schedule

In the above schedules, a non-pipelined for-loop takes 9 clock cycles to complete 3 iterations whereas a pipelined for-loop takes only 5 clock cycles for 3 iterations. This shows the impact of pipelining in improving the throughput of the code at the expense of additional resources.

Issues with Pipelined for-Loops

Pipelining enables resource sharing between multiple iterations, thus leading to the following hazards:

  1. Conflicting Read and Write Operations

    If a pipelined for-loop is performing read and write operations in the same iteration, it can lead to overlapping of these operations. The memory read operation in the next iteration can be scheduled before the memory write operation in the current iteration. This leads to reading of incorrect values between the for-loop iterations of the shared resources.

    Consider the following MATLAB code and its testbench. The code consists of a pipelined for-loop with an initiation_interval of 1, that performs both read and write operations in each iteration.

    MATLAB CodeGenerated HLS Code
    function out = f(in)
        persistent arr1;
        if isempty(arr1)
            arr1 = zeros(1,102);
        for i = 4:100
            y = arr1(i-3);
            arr1(i) = in;
        out = y;
    % MATLAB Testbench
    a = fi(4,0,3,0);
    for i = 1:100
        out(i) = f(a);
    class f_fixptClass
            sc_uint<3> f_fixpt_arr1[102];
            void f_fixpt_initialize_ram_vars()
                int32_T t_0;
                for (t_0 = 0; t_0 < 102; t_0 = t_0 + 1) {
                    f_fixpt_arr1[t_0] = sc_uint<3>(0.0);
            sc_uint<3> f_fixpt(sc_uint<3> in)
                sc_uint<3> out;
                for (int32_T i = 0; i < 97; i = i + 1) {
                    HLS_PIPELINE_LOOP( HARD_STALL, 1, "L2" );
                    out = f_fixpt_arr1[i];
                    f_fixpt_arr1[i + 3] = in;
                return out;

    During synthesis, the high level synthesis (HLS) tool throws an error stating: Unable to guarantee the safety of the schedule in the pipelined loop.


    To overcome the conflicting read and write operations, you can use any one of the following solution based on your design requirement.

    • Use coder.hdl.arraydistance(arr1,'max',1), which ensures that read and write operations enclosed in the for-loop are separated with a maximum array distance of one clock cycle.

      for i = 4:100
          y = arr1(i-3);
          arr1(i) = in;
    • Alternatively, you can update the value of initiation_interval to 2 in the coder.hdl.loopspec pragma.

      for i = 4:100
          y = arr1(i-3);
          arr1(i) = in;

  2. Limited Memory Access

    In many designs, it is common to have a single loop performing two or more accesses to a single memory (RAM). If such a loop is pipelined with initiation_interval as 1, these memory accesses occur simultaneously during each clock cycle. Dual-port RAMs have two ports at maximum, so at most two parallel independent accesses can be scheduled to the memory in a single clock cycle.

    However, with a pipelined for-loop, more than two memory accesses can occur in a single clock cycle. This scenario leads to a limited memory access issue.

    Consider the following MATLAB code and its testbench. It has a persistent array arr1 that is mapped to RAM. The for-loop is pipelined with an initiation_interval of 1, and three write operations are performed on the RAM mapped variable arr1 inside the for-loop body.

    MATLAB CodeGenerated HLS Code
    function out = f(in1, in2)
        persistent arr1;
        if isempty(arr1)
            arr1 = zeros(1,102);
        for i = 1:100
            arr1(i) = in1+in2;
            arr1(i+1) = in1*2;
            arr1(i+2) = in1+in2-2;
        out = sum(arr1);
    % MATLAB Testbench
    a = int8(4);
    b = int8(5);
    out = f(a,b);
    class f_fixptClass
      sc_uint<4> f_fixpt_arr1[102];
      void f_fixpt_initialize_ram_vars()
        int32_T t_0;
        for (t_0 = 0; t_0 < 102; t_0 = t_0 + 1) {
          f_fixpt_arr1[t_0] = sc_uint<4>(0.0);
      sc_uint<10> f_fixpt(sc_uint<3> in1, sc_uint<3> in2)
        sc_uint<10> out;
        sc_uint<11> Y;
        for (int32_T i = 0; i < 100; i = i + 1) {
          HLS_PIPELINE_LOOP( HARD_STALL, 1, "L2" );
          f_fixpt_arr1[i] = (sc_uint<4>)in1 + (sc_uint<4>)in2;
          f_fixpt_arr1[i + 1] = (sc_uint<4>)(in1 * sc_uint<2>(2.0));
          f_fixpt_arr1[i + 2] = ((sc_uint<4>)in1 + (sc_uint<4>)in2) - (sc_uint<4>)
        Y = (sc_uint<11>)f_fixpt_arr1[0];
        for (int32_T k = 0; k < 101; k = k + 1) {
          Y = (sc_uint<11>)((sc_uint<12>)Y + (sc_uint<12>)f_fixpt_arr1[k + 1]);
        out = (sc_uint<10>)Y;
        return out;

    During synthesis, the HLS tool throws an error stating: Unable to produce a valid schedule, found 1 Violation(s).


    To overcome the limited memory access create a pipelined for-loop with an initiation_interval of 2. This action ensures that two memory accesses occur in each iteration of the for-loop.

    for i = 1:100
        arr1(i) = in1+in2;
        arr1(i+1) = in1*2;
        arr1(i+2) = in1+in2-2;

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