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Map Persistent Arrays and dsp.Delay Objects to RAM

Map persistent arrays and dsp.Delay objects to RAM on hardware to reduce the area used on your target device. For more information on general RAM mapping, see Apply RAM Mapping to Optimize Area.

Enable RAM Mapping

  1. In the HDL Workflow Advisor, in the left pane, click HDL Workflow Advisor > HDL Code Generation. Then click the Optimizations tab.

  2. Select Map persistent array variables to RAMs.

  3. Set the RAM mapping threshold to either:

    • An integer that specifies the RAM size of the smallest persistent array, user-defined System object™ private property, or dsp.Delay object that you want to map to RAM.

    • A string of format MxN that specifies two thresholds to define the shape of the data to map to RAM, where M is the delay length (for delays) or array size (for persistent array variables) and N is the word length or bit width of the data type. Setting both thresholds excludes delays or persistent arrays from being mapped to RAM that inefficiently map to block RAM on your target hardware.

RAM Mapping Requirements for Persistent Arrays and System object Properties

The following table shows a summary of the RAM mapping behavior for persistent arrays and private properties of a user-defined System object.

Map Persistent Array Variables to RAMs SettingMapping Behavior


Map to RAM. For restrictions, see RAM Mapping Restrictions.


Map to registers in the generated HDL code.

RAM Mapping Restrictions

When you enable RAM mapping, a persistent array or user-defined System object private property maps to a block RAM when all of these conditions are true:

  • Each read or write access is for a single element only. For example, submatrix access and array copies are not supported.

  • Address computation logic is not read-dependent. For example, computation of a read or write address using the data read from the array is not supported.

  • Persistent variables or user-defined System object private properties are initialized to 0 if they have a cyclic dependency. For example, if you have two persistent variables, A and B, you have a cyclic dependency if A depends on B, and B depends on A.

  • If an access is within a conditional statement, the conditional statement uses only simple logic expressions (&&, ||, ~) or relational operators. For example, in this code, r1 does not map to RAM:

    if (mod(i,2) > 0)
        a = r1(u);
        r1(i) = u;

    You can rewrite complex conditions, such as conditions that call functions, by assigning them to temporary variables, and using the temporary variables in the conditional statement. For example, to map r1 to RAM, rewrite the previous code as:

    temp = mod(i,2);
    if (temp > 0)
        a = r1(u);
        r1(i) = u;

  • The persistent array or user-defined System object private property value depends on external inputs.

    For example, in the following code, bigarray does not map to RAM because it does not depend on u:

    function z = foo(u)
    persistent cnt bigarray
    if isempty(cnt)
        cnt = fi(0,1,16,10,hdlfimath);
        bigarray = uint8(zeros(1024,1));
    z = u + cnt;
    idx = uint8(cnt);
    temp = bigarray(idx+1);
    cnt(:) = cnt + fi(1,1,16,0,hdlfimath) + temp;
    bigarray(idx+1) = idx; 

  • The RAM size is greater than or equal to the RAMMappingThreshold value. The RAM size is the product of Array Size * Word Length * Complexity, where:

    • Array Size is the number of elements in the array.

    • Word Length is the number of bits that represent the data type of the array.

    • Complexity is 2 for a complex data type or 1 for a real datatype.

  • Access to the persistent variable that you are mapping to RAM is not in a loop, such as a for loop, unless the loop is unrolled. For more information, see coder.unroll.

  • Access to the persistent variable that you are mapping to RAM is not in a nested conditional statement, such as a nested if statement or nested switch statement.

If any of the above conditions is false, the persistent array or user-defined System object private property maps to a register in the HDL code.

RAM Mapping Requirements for dsp.Delay System Objects

This table describes the dsp.Delay System object RAM mapping behavior:

Map Persistent Array Variables to RAMs OptionMapping Behavior


A dsp.Delay System object maps to a block RAM when all of the following conditions are true:

  • Length property is greater than 4.

  • InitialConditions property is 0.

  • The delay input data type is one of these types:

    • Real scalar with a non-floating-point data type

    • Complex scalar with real and imaginary parts that are non-floating-point

    • Vector where each element is either a non-floating-point real scalar or complex scalar

  • The RAM size is greater than or equal to the RAM Mapping Threshold value. The RAM size is the product of DelayLength * WordLength* VectorLength * Complexity, where

    • DelayLength is the number of delays.

    • WordLength is the number of bits that represent the input data type.

    • VectorLength is the vector length of the input to the delay.

    • Complexity is 2 for a complex data type or 1 for a real datatype.

If any of the conditions are false, the dsp.Delay System object maps to registers in the HDL code.


A dsp.Delay System object maps to registers in the generated HDL code.

RAM Mapping Comparison

hdl.RAM objects, dsp.Delay objects, persistent array variables, and user-defined System object private properties can map to RAM, but have different attributes. This table summarizes the differences.

Attributehdl.RAM Objectsdsp.Delay Objects Persistent Arrays and
User-Defined System object Properties
RAM mapping criteriaUnconditionally maps to RAMMaps to RAM in HDL code under specific conditions. See RAM Mapping Requirements for dsp.Delay System Objects.Maps to RAM in HDL code under specific conditions. See RAM Mapping Requirements for Persistent Arrays and System object Properties.
Address generation and port mappingUser specifiedAutomaticAutomatic
Access schedulingUser specifiedAutomatically inferredAutomatically inferred
OverclockingNoneNoneLocal multirate, if the access schedule requires it.
Latency with respect to simulation in MATLAB®.002 cycles if local multirate; 1 cycle otherwise.
RAM typeUser specifiedDual portDual port

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