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Execute stop command in HDL simulator from MATLAB


breakHdlSim() executes the stop command on the HDL simulator on the local host. Use this function to:

  • Unblock the HDL simulator after it loads the simulation and before Simulink® starts the simulation.

  • Unblock the HDL simulator to add more signals to the waveform window when the simulation is in progress.

When you use breakHdlSim, you must specify the current connection information to the HDL simulator.


breakHdlSim(portNumber) executes the stop command in the HDL simulator on the port portNumber.


breakHdlSim(portNumber,hostName) executes the stop command in the HDL simulator on the host hostName.



Execute Stop Command in HDL Simulator from MATLAB

Stop the HDL simulator that is running on the local host.

>> breakHdlSim()

Stop the HDL simulator that is running on port 1234.

>> breakHdlSim('1234')

Stop the HDL simulator that is running on port 1234 and host mylinux.

>> breakHdlSim('1234','mylinux')

Input Arguments

collapse all

Port number to connect, specified as a character vector or string scalar. The HDL simulator attempts to connect to a host on the specified port number.

Data Types: char | string

Name of the host to connect, specified as a character vector or string scalar.

Data Types: char | string

Version History

Introduced in R2008a

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