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Instrument Driver Communication

Communicate with instruments using instrument drivers

You need to create an interface object, for example gpib or i2c, to communicate with instruments, as described in many of the sections of the documentation. You can also create a device object that allows you to configure and query an instrument without knowledge of its command set. See Creating and Connecting Device Objects for more information about using device objects.


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instrhwinfoInformation about available hardware
instridDefine and retrieve commands that identify instruments
icdevicefindFind device connections (Since R2024b)
icdeviceCreate device object
connectConnect device object to instrument
invokeExecute driver-specific function on device object
deviceresetReset instrument
selftestRun instrument self-test
geterrorCheck and return error message from instrument
dispDisplay instrument object summary information
getInstrument object properties
setConfigure or display instrument object properties
inspectOpen Property Inspector
methodsClass method names and descriptions
propinfoInstrument object property information
saveSave instrument objects and variables to MAT file
loadLoad instrument objects and variables into MATLAB workspace
lengthLength of instrument object array
sizeSize of instrument object array
isvalidDetermine whether instrument objects are valid
obj2mfileConvert instrument object to MATLAB code
disconnectDisconnect device object from instrument
deleteRemove instrument objects from memory
clearRemove instrument objects from MATLAB workspace


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