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Add label to label definition creator object for lidar workflow

Since R2020b


    addLabel(ldc,labelName,typeOfLabel) adds a label with the specified name and type to the labelDefinitionCreatorLidar object ldc.


    addLabel(___,Name,Value) specifies options using one or more name-value pair arguments in addition to the input arguments in the previous syntax. For example, Group, truck sets the group of the added label to truck.



    collapse all

    Create an empty labelDefinitionCreatorLidar object.

    ldc = labelDefinitionCreatorLidar;

    Add a Cuboid label, Vehicle, to the label definition creator.


    Add a Color attribute to the Vehicle label as a list of three strings.


    Display the details of the updated label definition creator object.

    ldc = 
    labelDefinitionCreatorLidar contains the following labels:
    	Vehicle with 1 attributes and belongs to None group.	(info)
    For more details about attributes, use the info method.

    Create a label definitions table from the definition stored in the object.

    labelDefs = create(ldc)
    labelDefs=1×6 table
           Name           Type       LabelColor     Group      Description     Hierarchy  
        ___________    __________    __________    ________    ___________    ____________
        {'Vehicle'}    {[Cuboid]}    {0x0 char}    {'None'}       {' '}       {1x1 struct}

    Create an empty labelDefinitionCreatorLidar object.

    ldc = labelDefinitionCreatorLidar
    ldc = 
    labelDefinitionCreatorLidar with 0 labels. Use the 

    Add a Cuboid label, Vehicle, to the label definition creator object. Include Group information for the label.


    Add a Scene label, TrafficSign, to the object. Include Group information for the label.


    Add a Color attribute to the Vehicle label as a string.


    Display the details of the updated label definition creator object.

    ldc = 
    labelDefinitionCreatorLidar contains the following labels:
    	Vehicle with 1 attributes and belongs to Transport group.	(info)
    	TrafficSign with 0 attributes and belongs to Data group.	(info)
    For more details about attributes, use the info method.

    Display information about the label Vehicle using the info object function.

               Name: "Vehicle"
               Type: {[Cuboid]}
         LabelColor: {''}
              Group: "Transport"
         Attributes: "Color"
        Description: ' '

    Display information about the Color attribute of the Vehicle label using the info object function.

                Name: "Color"
                Type: String
        DefaultValue: 'Red'
         Description: ' '

    Input Arguments

    collapse all

    Label definition creator for the lidar workflow, specified as a labelDefinitionCreatorLidar object.

    Label name, specified as a character vector or string scalar. This sets the name of the label in the label definition creator object.

    Type of label, specified using one of these options. For example, labelType.Cuboid specifies a Cuboid label type.

    • labelType enumeration — Specify the type of label as a Scene or Cuboid labelType enumerator.

    • Character vector or string scalar — Specify a value that partially or fully matches one of the labelType enumerators. For example, Cub specifies a Cuboid label type.

    Name-Value Arguments

    Specify optional pairs of arguments as Name1=Value1,...,NameN=ValueN, where Name is the argument name and Value is the corresponding value. Name-value arguments must appear after other arguments, but the order of the pairs does not matter.

    Before R2021a, use commas to separate each name and value, and enclose Name in quotes.

    Example: Group, truck sets the group of the added label to truck.

    Group name, specified as a comma-separated pair consisting of 'Group' and the character vector or string scalar. Use this name-value pair arguments to specify a name for a group of labels.

    Label description, specified as a comma-separated pair consisting of 'Description' and the character vector or string scalar. Use this name-value pair arguments to describe the label.

    Version History

    Introduced in R2020b