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engGetVariable (Fortran)

Copy variable from MATLAB engine workspace

Fortran Syntax

#include "engine.h"
mwPointer engGetVariable(ep, name)
mwPointer ep
character*(*) name


engGetVariable reads the named mxArray from the MATLAB® engine session associated with ep. Returns 0 if successful and 1 if an error occurs.

The limit for the size of data transferred is 2 GB.

Use mxDestroyArray to destroy the mxArray created by this routine when you are finished with it.

Input Arguments

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Pointer to engine, specified as mwPointer.

Name of mxArray to get from the MATLAB workspace, specified as character*(*).

Pointer to mxArray, specified as mwPointer.

Output Arguments

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Pointer to a newly allocated mxArray structure, returned as mwPointer. Returns NULL if the attempt fails. engGetVariable fails if the named variable does not exist.

Version History

Introduced before R2006a

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